

New Member
Aug 14, 2006
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hi where do i start i already am a member of this forum but wanted to use a different name (silly i know) but id rather do it this way if thats ok?.
i really feel i cant be me anymore (if that makes sense) hoemlife seems to be a little more tense and me and the o/h are constantly arguing more and more over really trivial things but most of all its over the kids at times. i find myself shouting at them and my o/h really badly for no reason and i feel so bad for doing this as they dont know that they havent done anything wrong i also feel most days id rather just get up and go and leave what i have behind me as i cant take the way things have been of late. i dont always have the support from other people which i could really do with (ie) friends and family as friends dont want to know and family just like to poke there noses in where it isnt concerned and always go against and contradict everything they do and say. i thought that at last my life was on track with the kids and the o/h as i hadnt felt so happy in a long time and now its all going belly up and this isnt the way i want it to be but now im not sure where i go or what i do but i just needed to say this as i feel like i have no one else to say it too.

sorry for waffling on and thanks for listening :oops:
Oh sweetie you sound like you need a break.

Can anyone have the kids for a while so you can go out and chill for a bit?

I don't recognise you (cos I haven't met everyone on the site yet, I try to stick to ttc at the mo) but I wonder if you could be suffering from post natal depression?

Why don't you tell us your story and I'm sure someone more qualified than me will be along to give advice. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
where would i start.................. id be here al day telling you and you all have better things to be doing than sitting here listening to my problems.
No I think people would like to help you and it would help you to listen
we are all here for you.
I have bumped this up as wanted to know how you are feeling now?

I have only just seen this ANON c'mon you know you can talk to us about anything.
You are not waffling you really do have issues, and we will help in anyway we can even if you just want to rant
:hug: :hug:
Honey whatever the problem is, we are all here to listen no matter what! If u feel u would rather not say exactly what it is, its okay, jut rant all u want... as was said before maybe u need a break from it all? a weekend away? alone? just with oh?
I feel the same about my friends and family too and it can be frustrating not having anyone to talk to or someone who understands. Maybe if u elaborate on the problem someone may be in the same situation or has been there before who can advise you more specifically?
All the best honey i hope u feel better soon!!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hun we are here to hear everyones problems wether there TTC pregnant had a baby or family life if u think telling us about it would help then please to hun

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