help with routine please


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
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i would really like to start to introduce a strong routine with finley asap 2 encourage him 2 sleep through the night. he has it last feed around 10.30/11 pm then wakes at 2.30/3am the around 6am.
any good tips 2 help?
i asked my mw this and said i was gonna start doing madison every4hrs if i cud.... and mw said doonnntt lol she said try feed madison regularly but every THREE hoours during day as if u can get her daily intake in during the day shell sleep thru so i done it the next day shes been sleeping 12hr+ nights EVER since not one lapse!! and went back to 4hr feeds a few days after with a slightly bigger bobo!! lol routine keeps u sane hun so go for it!! xx
I agree with Lisa my little girl was a dream used to feed 2.5-3 hourly in day and by four weeks she wa missing her 2am bottle and waking about five.....the five got to 6 and 6 got to seven etc!!!! i used to Bath her at half 6 and give last bottle and put her down to sleep.....eventually she just stayed asleep!!!! Good luck!
Ive been feeding paige every 4 hours and like finley she has her last feed around 10pm and sleeps till 3am then wakes around 7am. I want to start getting more of a routine and get her thinking about sleeping through. I will deffinatly try feeding 3 hourly. It makes sense to give them all the food they want, just before bedtime :)
i asked my mw this and said i was gonna start doing madison every4hrs if i cud.... and mw said doonnntt lol she said try feed madison regularly but every THREE hoours during day as if u can get her daily intake in during the day shell sleep thru so i done it the next day shes been sleeping 12hr+ nights EVER since not one lapse!! and went back to 4hr feeds a few days after with a slightly bigger bobo!! lol routine keeps u sane hun so go for it!! xx

so how old was maddison when she started sleeping through then?
thanks for the dvice girls. he is dropping 2 1 ounce on his 6 am feed but i could do with that being the 3am feed instead
Ive been feeding paige every 4 hours and like finley she has her last feed around 10pm and sleeps till 3am then wakes around 7am. I want to start getting more of a routine and get her thinking about sleeping through. I will deffinatly try feeding 3 hourly. It makes sense to give them all the food they want, just before bedtime :)

they sound exactly the same melio nice 2 know its normal ay. :) let me know how u get on x
Hey hon, when H was a few weeks old we started giving him an expressed bottle for his half ten feed - we knew how much he'd had then and he tended to sleep through. Not sure if ur breast or bottle feeding but if the 10:30 feed is a breastfeed, might be worth giving it a go x x x
So yesterday I fed Paige at 4:30, 7:30 and 10:30. I also had an hour of 'play', then bathed her and gave her a little massage and put her in her pjs before her 10:30 feed. She fell asleep straight after her last feed and stayed asleep till 5! Then got up for a feed and went straight back to sleep till 9! I was awake before her :D

Deffinately going to keep trying the feeding every 3 hours and having a bedtime routine :)
So yesterday I fed Paige at 4:30, 7:30 and 10:30. I also had an hour of 'play', then bathed her and gave her a little massage and put her in her pjs before her 10:30 feed. She fell asleep straight after her last feed and stayed asleep till 5! Then got up for a feed and went straight back to sleep till 9! I was awake before her :D

Deffinately going to keep trying the feeding every 3 hours and having a bedtime routine :)

mel thats brill!!! i think bathing is a good routine but the HV told me not 2 bath him every day so i cant really use this as part of a rountine, are you going 2? i'm trying the 3 hourly feeds 2day. how many ounces does paige have??
I think I might alternate with baths and top and tailing. She told you not to bath him everyday? People used to be told to bath babies everyday, now they say try bath them once a week. It baffles me. I used to give her 5oz at each feed but Im only giving her 4oz now, as the feeds are closer together.

You'll have to let me know how finley gets on with the 3 hour feeds. How much is he eating now? x
I bath Ethan at around 7.30 and he has his last feed (6oz)at 8pm roughly goes to bed then he only stirs in the night about twice, he is up at 6.30am and i usually feed him at 7am.
^ i do normally bath him every night and have been doing so since he was about 1month old.
this is so interesting. i try to clster feed annabelle as much as she will take in the evenings and we do 2 and a half to 3 hourly feeds during the day. she seems to want to sleep through the evening lingest so i just need to change that to after midnight. for example she will sleep from 6 to 11 pm before waking but then still wakes every 3 hours to eat after that! hmm. she does go straight back to sleep though which im glad about as i have heard of some babies wanting to play when they wake in the night, not just feed.

sounds like everyones doing really well with their babies!

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