help with pain please docs not helping :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2014
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I wondered if anyone could shed any light for ne please as I'm getting quite down and teary and frustrated now.

A few weeks ago, a small blister appeared on my right nipple. It grew and a hard tender lump in my breast grew with it. The lump started to become unbearable and my husband and I agreed it was a nipple bleb causing a plugged duct. A hot bath, rubbing the bleb off and a good feed sorted it out.

But then a little pus like yellow coloured tiny spot appeared on my nipple which hasn't changed in the last few weeks but the hard lump now comes and goes and after every other feed on my right I suffer with excrutiating burning pains in my nipple that last about ten seconds and keep coming for about an hour.

I saw a nurse practioner who said it sounded like mastitis so gave me antibiotics. By the end of the antibiotics the lump had gone but the burning nipple remained so I went back and saw a gp who said the mastitis was resolved so gave me some fucidic acid cream. However the label said it should be used topically only and shouldn't be used on the breast if breastfeeding. So I'm reluctant to use it. The tender lump is now back and I'm back to square one :(

I'm feeling very frustrated as I've had this for about four weeks now.

I think I will have to go back to the docs but I just wondered if anyone had any advice before I go so I can make the most of my trip and hope I don't have to keep going back and forth.

Thanks for reading.
Hi Hun, I had this and can sympathise as it was so miserable. :-( I had what I think was a milk bleb that turned into what you describe.

I followed the following treatment idea from

1 Moist heat (Shower on my back rather than directly on the breast as it hurt.)

2 Clear the skin (I had to do this several times and I'm ashamed to say I resorted to a sterilised needle and having a good dig at the pussy bit..I can't recommend you do it as it probably isn't good for you but it's what I did! I think it was dried up milk blocking the duct, seem to remember quite stringy bits coming out. Sorry if tmi.)

3 Nurse or Pump (in lots of different positions, mine was at the top of the nipple so I lay baby on the bed and leaned over her on all 4s so that her bottom lip was at the top of my breast, apparently the suck is stronger from the bottom and that is what is needed to clear it.)

4 Look after the 'wound' (keep clean and air dry if poss, use lanisoh or breast milk between feeds.)

The burning feeling is horrid and I seem to remember I resorted to paracetamol at some points.

It cleared up on its own after a number of weeks. I found the HV wasn't really sure what I was talking about when I mentioned it and it wasn't on any of the 'things to look out for' literature they gave me.

Have a Google as I found a few stories that other women had posted with bits of advice I may have now forgotten.

Hope you manage to work through and get it sorted, I'm still bfing dd at bedtime now she's 15 months, it was a painful journey to start but so worth it. Xx
Thank you so much for your reply. I'm going to try all the tips again but I fear I may also resort to a needle as its been there for so long I think a lot of skin has grown over it :(
Well I tried soaking my nipple in olive oil to soften the skin before I had a hot bath. I then tried to hand express but the blocked pore wouldn't budge and thus morning was feeling even more sore than normal and the tender blockage was back so I went to see the doc. She said there's no infection so it will resolve itself when you stop breastfeeding... I was like I'm sorry but I wont be stopping breastfeeding for at least five months and my baby cant have formula cos of his suspected cows milk allergy. She said well there are prescription formulas available! Omg those prescription formulas cost the nhs a massive fortune!! What a way to encourage breastfeeding well done doc! I politely explained my reasons why I couldn't wait until I stopped breastfeeding and she agreed to refer me to the breast clinic.She said there's no point in using a needle cos you will be susceptible to infection but I can give you some more antibiotics now if you like. Um, you said I don't have an infection so why do you want to give me antibiotics and secondly ill choose to deal with the problem at hand then deal with a potential.unguaranteed problem afterwards thank you very.much grrr
Grr sounds like she's trying to fob you off! If it happened to me again I would use a needle, or see if you can buy a sterile pack from a pharmacy. I'd just keep trying to clear it myself, I know how desperate it feels :-( .

Do you have a local breastfeeding support place or la leche league person nearby? I bet they'd have something more helpful to offer than suggesting you give up! Xx
Thanks for the link, cant see it on my phone but will definitely check it later. I went to the breastfeeding group.once to ask about expressing but the breastfeeding support worker didn't turn up and the hv just wanted to talk about los suspected milk allergy so never been back. Not sure what la leche league is will google!

I think I will keep trying, I'm in constant pain now :( paracetomol takes the burning sensation away from my nipple but is leaving me with tender pains inside the breast. I'm so fed up!

Thanks for all your replies!
Just got back from the hospital. Spent over an hour waiting to be seen and five mins with the doc. He prescribed me more antibiotics and told me to take paracetomol for a full week, and to try and get rid of the white spot myself as he wont touch it in case he gives me an infection. He seemed yo not want to deal with me while I was still breastfeeding :'( so that's it I'm sterilising a sewing needle tonight and mutilating myself :( been going on for three months now and had just about enough. I'll let you know how it goes!
Oh TTT I'm so sorry you're still struggling with this. :-( Hope you've managed to "treat" it tonight, I can't believe so few people in the medical profession haven't heard of it and don't know what to do with it.

Sorry to hear this TTT, hope you're ok after the needle thing xx
How are you doing? It does seem like it might be worth contacting the LLL or a breastfeeding consultant. I went to one for an en entirely different problem and she was amazing. Doctors tend to be pretty rubbish for anything to do with BFing in my experience.
Thanks for the posts :)

The needle got rid of my milk pore thing but ad soon as I fed him it returned. I did more googling and I think I have got rid of the blocked.duct as there is no tender lump anymore in my breast and it doesn't feel blocked anymore. Also the pain comes after bfeeding and only at night. I could take two paracetomol and two ibuprofen and it wouldn't touch the pain. The pain also came in intense bursts for a few seconds then came and went like that.

I believe I originally caused the blocked duct with bad latch at night and carrying him around on my right side as the original blockage was where my baby and my changing bag strap pressed against my breast. I sorted that with all the tips on Kelly mom and the antibiotics sorted the mastitis that developed but I was left with what I believe to be vasospasms.

Poor circulation runs in my family and I'm very sensitive to cold. I have always fed my baby to sleep and I co sleep and feed him lying down in bed at night and I think he has bad latch at night. We've been on holiday this week and have changed a few things (much to our baby's disgust) and I learned that after I fall asleep with him latched on he bites my nipple and sucks hard which leaves me with a blanched nipple. I learned this because my husband suggested feeding him to sleep in the living room and sitting up and taking him off the breast as soon as I thought he was full and he's rock him to sleep instead. As I took him off the breast I could barely get my finger between his gums and then discovered my.blanched nipple.

New routine: I fed him his last day feed at bedtime (always the problem one) sat up and took him off the breast straight away and covered up my nipple immediately so the air didn't get to it. I bathed right beforehand and got dressed in the steamy bathrooms warm air. I slept in pyjamas and a dressing gown so I was nice and toasty (baby in sleep suit and grobag). And by the end of the week the pain was practically gone.

I still have an inflamed pure that looks like a whitehead but it seems that will have to heal when I finish bfeeding. We got back home last night and I'm hoping my new routine will keep the vasospasm s at bay.

I think the bad latch was a mixture of baby teething (cut his first tooth two weeks ago ish) , feeding him when he's still sleepy at night and falling asleep when feeding him so he continued to suckle for comfort in his sleep.

I'm hoping will prevail. If not ill give the la leche league a call.
I suffered from vasospasms after evening and night feeds for quite a while. GP was useless and told me to stop bfeeding if it was painful. I just stuck it out but it sounds like you have a proper action plan so good luck x
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Thanks Maud :) its good to know I'm not alone, the docs make you feel like you're making it up or being mardy :(
Mine told me it was normal. Don't think he understood what I was trying to explain to him!

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