Help what formula


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Layla is on sma gold but I don't think its right for her, she has terrible wind and always has hiccups. She does one poo at night when she does it she crys and curls her self up sorry if tmi but her poo is very runny and fills her nappy and over flows. She feeds every hour to two hours. I only put her on sma gold as it was easier at hospital, she is just formula feed, any advice be great thank you
I would talk to health visitor about it :) I know lots of girls on here like Aptamil though.
Wouldn't worry about hiccups too much, I don't think that has anything to do with the digestive system really.
I tried 3 formulas before finding the right one for my LO. I tried aptimil first then moved onto SMA but finally HIPP worked for her. It happens to be the cheapest one out there as well so worked otu nicely for me :)

You can speak to your health visitor or just pick another to try. Its all a bit of trial and error really, but if you change it, then for a few days your LO will be a bit grizzly because itll give them a bit of a funny tummy so Id give the new formula about 1-2 weeks before deciding if its working for you. x
i loved aptamil, hiccups are usually a sign of grownth spurts apparently so all good with those :) xxx
health visitor said there all the same really got to find what works for her
we used all of them and c and g is best for him now but he was also ok on hipp but u get less than the others x
Thank you for reply's going to speak to another health visitor and going to try some others and see what works for her. Didn't no it would be this difficult!
I thought you get less in the HIPP box but when I poured it into the SMA container (thats how I stored it as it kept it fresh) I actually struggled getting it all in the tub so I think it's the same amount. I never noticed that I had to buy more. :)
We use Cow & Gate. I have no idea how I chose it, it was a totally random choice, but she's never had any problems. My friend said Aptimal wasn't good for her lo.

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