HELP -- struggling to get into a bedtime/nap routine


Aug 1, 2011
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hello people
my 1yo is struggling to get into a routine!
currently he has dinner at 5pm then a bath around 6pm then cuddles with daddy before we put him in his room to sleep around 7.30/8 but normaily wakes up after a hour if hes only had 1 nap in the day then doest sleep till 11/12!! hes eating normaily and i dont know what im doing wrong he was in more of a routine about 2 months ago then we went to spain and when we got back he caught chicken pox

any advice please
becki x
When he gets up just keep putting him back to bed. Has he got a dummy, go back in after 5 mins and give him his dummy then leave the room again. You need to be persistent, he'll soon learn it's bedtime x.
its hard when they cry i feel for you. I agree with laceys mum I would try controled crying. If you know you have done all you can for him i would leave him cry just check on him every 5 mins or so tuck him back in and leave the room without talking to him. I promise it does work but you do need to stick to your guns for the first few days xxxx
lo doesnt have a dummy never has lol! but he does have daddy wrapped around his finger ive tryed baby boot camp where i let him cry hes in a bed now not a cot but with the shifts my oh works he comes in a scoops him up i think i need to train daddy aswell! i do worry that its due to the naps in the day im currently trying to keep him awake till after lunch then he has a nap for around a hour does this sound ok?
My daughter was still napping until she was 2 and a half so he might be getting over tired which is making him stay awake!
My son doesn't have a dummy either but sometimes wakes up, I go in lie him back down (normally he's sat up) then I put his duvet back on then leave the room, don't talk to him. He will fight it to start off with but it does get easier but you need to tell your OH to do it too otherwise it won't work
My 1 yr old daughter was known for going to bed around 10 even after having an hour or 2 in the day and it was just hard work as she would wake up again between 7 and 8 the next day! :shock:

We ended up doing her normal bed time routine with her bottle being last then up to bed weather she is asleep or not. The first night was horrible, she cried for like 40 minutes and it was so hard but like i read online i went in after 5 minutes calmed her with out picking her up then lay her back dwn and walked out i just left more time between going in and it was the 20 minute gap she fell asleep on.

She now goes to bed between 7 and 8 and wakes up at 7. She has a nap mid morning for 1 hour to 1hr 30 minutes which does her for the day usually. :)

My OH did not like doing this at first i used to have to keep him downstairs with me as one night he just went in and picked her up, he works 3 nights a week so its ok for him feeling sorry for Ava-Mai but i felt sorry for me doing all this hard work and him ruining it! :mad:

We have only been doing this for around 3 months but it has worked a dream and sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind :roll: She does still have a little moan from time to time but now its only if she dropped her teddy on the way up stairs (she goes to bed awake each night now) Ava likes to sleep with 2 teddie one being a big hello kitty thing :lol:

Anyway sorry if i have rambled on bits, hope you find something to suit you and your lo soon!
Good Luck xxxx
I don't let LO cry, without wanting to be judgmental or upset anyone, if my LO cries then I will tend to whatever it is that's upsetting him. We have a great bedtime routine, dinner at 5, bath at 6, half an hour of quiet play (usually reading a book in his bedroom) ending with final nappy change and final breast feed, then he's in bed by 7 and asleep pretty much straight away. Is all about consistency and persistence. I truly believe you don't have to make a baby cry to get him/her to sleep x

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