Help put my mind at ease?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Just a quick question Girls, I had a bit of blood today but only on the paper when i went to the toilet, It was just like 2 seperate little bits on the paper and there has been non since

Thats nothing to worry about is it?
I had 3 big gushes of blood sorry for tmi and had a week or 2 of brown spotting after each bleed between 13 and 17 weeks had an ultrasound every time and babies were fine. Turned out I had a little bruise on the sack which needed to be re absorbed or bleed out and didn't affect babies. So all has been fine since,touch wood. They said it was very common in pregnancy and quite often women have bleeds for no reason when all
I's fine . Hope this helps x
It was red like bright red but it was odd just a little bit almost likeeh not a clot but a bit of fleshor something more solid than blood if that makes sense, but it was tiney like maybe 3mm then further up the same sheet another one the same im not overley worried just be nice for some reasurance, if anyone has had similar? I wasnt given a no for my MW so cant call :-(
I would ring midwife or go to pregnancy unit or walk in centre to out ur mind at rest, as that's what i did. Not that I think there's a problem but just becausethe reasurance from them made me see past it! Msyte just a tiny amount like that should be fine. I had big bright red gushes of blood. I'd put a pad on and monitor it too just to check x
it happened at about 130 and there been nothing since so think i might be ok, been to loo every 20 mins to check lol Where I live there is nothing just A and E so think il hold off unless I get any more

Thanks for the help :)
my friend had this and it turned out she had a low lying placenta

so in the end was nothing to worry about x
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It could be nothing and it seen as you havn't had much I wouldn't get too worried over it. But I really would go and get it checked out anyway hun. It's better to be safe than sorry, it could be something minor but it might be something that needs further attention. You should always go and get any bleeding checked out hun. On the front of your notes is there a telephone number on there for the hospital? I never had a number for my won midwife but there was a num for ones at hospital and they're available 24hr. Really worth giving them a call to see what they want they recommend. If not I'd say go to your nearest drop in centre. Let us know how you get on xxx

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