help please


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2007
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had a miscarriage in july. i didnt even know i was preggers at the time and i dont know. i still find it hard to cope with. i should be 15 weeks preg rite now and i keep looking and finking y not? y me?? i blame myself and everything. my bf thinks im ok now coz i just cant talk about it with him anymore. no1 i no nos anything about this kind of thing nad i feel so alone. does anyone have nay advice for me as a way to move forward? or anything would i know im not alone because thats how i feel eventhough im not. thanks xxx
Hi tinkerbellthepixie, i know what your going through ive had 2 m/c and my baby that i was pregnant with first time should of been born in july and the memory is with you everyday some days u will feel better than others just take each day as it comes and dont put urself under pressure, people cope in different ways and if you ever need to chat the girls on here are great and you can pm me anytime,
sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: take care
Hi hun :hug:

My miscarraige has only just recently happened so i cant really advise you about how it feels as time goes by

Just wanted to say what your feeling is completely normal, its is normal to blame yourself and to think that maybe you did something but even though i have had the same thoughts i can assure you it is not your fault and there is nothing that you could have done to make things any different

Just because you didnt know you were pregnant doesnt mean that you shouldnt hurt as much as someone who knew they were pregnant

If you cant talk to your OH about it, then there is always someone about on here to talk things through

Feel free to PM me if you need to chat

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
The only advice i can share is to take one day at a time.

I have had three miscarriages (two recent ones within mths of each other) some days i breeze though like nothing ever happen, other times I feel like you similar thoughts as to why me etc.

I find hope is my saviour, thats all we have sometimes, i hope one day I can get through the barrier and make it to actually becoming a mother.

I also think sometimes its best to just ride with your feelings, if you feel low then just tell yourself it will pass don't allow yourself to block anything out.

Im so sorry to hear of your loss and am here if you want to pm just to have some comfort.


thats natural babydoll

It will pass but for now you have to unfortunatly ride with it.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
tinkerbellthepixie said:
thanks everyone so far
i just feel so alone right now
i just dont know what to do...

You're not alone hun, we're all here, feel free to PM me any time. :hug:

Just a thought but have you had a look to see if there are any miscarriage support groups near you? When I was in hospital last week I was given a leaflet about some counseling options, including a hospital chaplain and a local support group. It might be worth seeing if there's anything near you. You could ask citizen's advice as they might know otherwise any local Early Pregnancy Unit may have contacts. If you want me to make some phone calls for you or do some internet research you can PM me with your details?

thanks rosebay good idea
may look on the internet now but i dont think there is anything wound here and il b scared to go on my own :(

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