Help please!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2012
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Ok so over the last few days I have done a few tests and I have been getting very faint positives.

My concern is that they don't get stronger and as far as I can work out I should be just over 2 weeks pregnant.

I had assumed I ovulated on the 26th of March so I should be just over two weeks?

Anyway - I am panicking now because 1) Pregnancy tests should show a stronger positive 2) I have been cramping for well over a week now and 3) Today I thought I had started spotting but now its gone from brown to red and it feels like it would the last few days of my period. I thought spotting should be lighter than this?

Surely at over 2 weeks implantation bleeding shouldn't occur.

I am really worried - does anyone know what this is all about?

Well today would be my 4th day late however I am unsure as to whether or not this is my period starting despite getting faint positive test results.

I am really hoping I am still pregnant :(
To be honest at 4 days late you should be getting a strong BFP line but i'm in no way an expert on this! Hopefully someone with a little more experience will notice this thread hun x
Yeh thats what I thought. Getting quite heavy bleeding now like my period, if thats what it is then I dont know where all the faint positives were coming from :(
i am sorry to say but it sounds like maybe u had a chemical pregnancy :-( , as u should not be spotting like that and could i ask wat tests u used and got ur faint lines on? x
I have tested with the co-op own brand which was a pink dye, that came out faint positive. Ive had two faint positives on clear blue plus and two positive 1-2 week pregnant results on clear blue digital and a faint positive on asda own brand earlier today. But now ive had to grab the tampons cause im bleeding :( really sad. Dunno if its worth bothering with the docs now.
i am realy sorry its so sad wen this happens as most ladies dont even know its happening if they havnt tested, u should still contact ur doctor cos then its on record wat has happened and classed as a loss none the less, ((((hugs)))) xxx
Sweetie, I had a chemical in January!Got my bfp (cbd - 1-2 preg)on 17.1.12 and then by 21.1.12, the bleeding happend! Its heartbreaking! Make sure you go to the doctors and get it noted. It classes as an early miscarriage and its importnant that the powers that be know. I am so sorry your going through this xxx
Thanks for your support guys, it has not been very pleasant. The bleeding was not too heavy, just like a normal period except was getting quite a lot of clots. Doctor was pretty certain I had been pregnant but it has just not worked out which is a shame. I am happy that I am no longer in pain though as the full two weeks that I would have been pregnant I was cramping and getting horrible pains so its probably for the best. Maybe next time! x

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