Help please!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2011
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My little girl will be 4 months on Wednesday and has slept through since she was 8 or 9 weeks (aside from the odd night) for the past couple of days she's been waking up at midnight and not going back to sleep until like 7am :( surely she must need more sleep as she's not napping more in the day either ?? She has recently caught a cough from a friends baby and I thought that was related but when I pick her up she goes straight back to sleep until I put her back in her cot! We have tried controlled crying but nothing seems to work! I was in tears last night as there was nothing I could do :(

Has anyone else had this and does it get better as they get older?

Thanks in advance x
It sounds like it could be the 4 month sleep regression. Louie's sleep went strange at that age too. I'll find the website about it and post a link xx
Thank you! I'll have a look...

Daddy is doing the night shift tonight so we wil see if Francesca decides to be a daddies girl and sleep through ha x
sorry to put a downer on you but my son never slept through til 9 months now :( I refused to feed him 3 weeks ago I'd had enough of it all and he started to get message and take more during day :D Just wait for it and when she is weaned x

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