HELP Please x


Active Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Hi All,

This is the first time iv ever been on a forum before.

I am currently 5wks5days pregnant I have had three hcg tests and the results were:

14/11/11 - 439
16/11/11 - 1439
18/11/11 - 1809

I had a scan on 19/11/11 and the gestational sac could be seen but nothing else. Do you think this could be a viable pregnancy? All of this is new to me so I am a bit confused and would appreciate any of your advice :) xx
when i had a scan at about 5 1/2 weeks, all they could see was the sac, 10 days later and i had a heartbeat.

have they organized another scan for you?
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I don't know much about hcg levels, other than they are meant to double every 36-72 hours, so I would say ur numbers look ok to me.

As for only seeing the sac, I wouldn't expect to see anything in there until u were over 6 weeks.

Congratulations and wishing u a happy and healthy 9 months :) xxx
Thanks both so much for your messages I feel a bit more positive :) I have to go back in ten days for another scan.

I was just a bit concerned that my third lot of bloods did not double but I suppose I did have a massive increase in the second lot.

Thank you again I am so glad I have found this forum it will certainly help xxxx
levels are rising well hun ....very similar to mine .....i only had a gestation sac then ten days later a heart beat... there only concern with mine was initally they thought it could be ectopic but all was fine
Thank you! I will let you know what happens on 29/11 hopefully we will see our baby xxxx
im sure you will hunny ...shame you have to wait so long though ...will look forward to seeing your pics
Thanks Chantilly, hopefully will have a pic to post! I think what has scared me the most is the third blood test not doubling and the lady at the hosp who did my scan said she was concerned about it :( they thought I was ectopic similar to you so it was really such a relief to see that the sac was in the right place! I love this forum to be able to discuss this as its so hard trying to explain to people that have never experienced it how I feel xxx
I reckon your probably just very early levels only raised about 70 % each time witch was a lot lower than it should have been ....fingers crossed hun that yours will be the same as mine
I'm by no means an expert but the fact they are rising is very positive. When I was having some problems my consultant told me that at 5 weeks they don't expect to see much. When my levels were 22000 he said he would expect to see a heartbeat - and we did!

Hope that helps! Good luck xx
Thanks for your messages I will let you know how I get on totally hate this waiting game xxxx
i was thought to be ectopic a few weeks ago.
they said something about the levels being too high for my stage in pregnancy.

but all is well!

let us know how it goes :)
Will do thank you, I do have a good feeling after reading all of your replies xxx

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