Help... Or I may go completely insane!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I have been laid off from work :roll: Money isn't an issue though... It's the fact that I am going to be sooo bored. I already count down the day's and they seem to go so slow.

How can I take my mind off the waiting/counting down? I try to have other thing's to look forward to in the meantime but there just doesn't seem to be much going on now xmas has gone. What can I do to stop myself going completely insane?
volunteer at your local charity shop??
spring clean your house?
come to my house and clean my bathroom.............its the one job I hate!!!
Browse ebay for bargains :wink: I'm going on in a min to get Isaac some new clothes and maybe a little something special for mummy :wink:
I think a good spring clean is a good idea really. I could do with sorting through all my stuff and getting rid of thing's to make room for baby. There's quite abit of decorating needs doing too but I can't really do that on my own.
Hey xJodieLoux,

I'm taking maternity leave really early and can't wait. I have loads planned as my one worry was getting bored. Apart from getting the nursery and house ready for the baby I have decided to use the time to get into training for labour. I'm going to the Gym for 30 mins a day and will be doing pregnancy yoga each evening for 20 mins plus one session a week with my group. I'm also going to Hypnosis for birth sessions every other week and will be looking into reflexology. If you don't have money worries I really recommend any of these as you will feel so well and have loads of energy and strength for your LO's birthday. Other than the above I am cherishing the chance to get back into painting and taking day trips out and about.

I guess you have a lot longer than I will to get board though. I hope the ideas keep coming in.

How about doing something really creative. I'm thinking of taking up plate painting but don't really know where to start :think:

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