I don't want to go


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2006
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I'm going to Brighton this afternoon for the weekend as it's OH's Sisters wedding tomorrow and I really don't want to go :(
I sound sooo immature but I always sit in the corner on my tod whilst I'm down there anyway because no one is interested in me, If Harry cries they call my OH, If he needs his nappy changing they tell my OH, if they want to take him out they ask my OH. I don't feel like i'm his Mum when we're down there :( and this weekend is going to be even worse. I feel so left out when we're there, OH's Mum is forever taking pictures of OH and Harry but i'm not in any. Harry's going to wonder where I was when he gets older :cry:
And to top it all off Harry is going to be away all next week down there and I'm really going to miss him :cry:

Sorry for rambling on
keep him in your arms all the time and tell OH you plan to do this. That way you're in the photos. And tell OH if anyone asks anything about LO to send them to you :D

Otherwise ignore them and remember there's nothing worse than other people's families :roll:
I feel your pain - my exes family did that to be all the time. I muscled in on it all and became a bit pushy with them :hug:
i would do exactly as libs said and keep him in your arms - no matter how they treat u (and believe me i have had my fair share of in-laws being mean) you are his mum and you sound like a good mum so dont worry about what they are saying or doing!
:hug: :hug:
I agree with the other girls dont let him out your sight he is your baby

:hug: :hug: :dance: :cheer:
I know how you feel, we took Ryan to a party a month or so ago and all OH's family were there. Loads of people were asking OH to sit with his mum and dad with Ryan so they could get photos. I was just left sitting there not knowing what to do, I've never felt so humiliated.

If I were you I would do what the others have said, keep Harry with you. Maybe they don't talk to you cos you don't seem approachable and they don't want to bother you? I know when Im out Im quite shy and I wont start talking to someone unless they initiate it.

Just remember it wont last forever, its only for the weekend :hug:
Princess P- That's very rude. Have a word with your OH and make sure he includes you and encourages them to do so.

by the way- x-kirsty-x in your profile pic you look quite like the actress sheridan smith out of 2 pints/grownups. She's really pretty so that's a compliment :)
katyk said:
Princess P- That's very rude. Have a word with your OH and make sure he includes you and encourages them to do so.

by the way- x-kirsty-x in your profile pic you look quite like the actress sheridan smith out of 2 pints/grownups. She's really pretty so that's a compliment :)

Yeah I know, everyone says that :lol:
agree with what the other girls haver said hun, GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR This would make me so mad too.
hes YOUR baby & don't let them take the piss.
hope it goes ok & you're not far from me when you're in Brighton, only about 40mins :D
Thank you ladies, I have spoken to my OH about this loads of times and it always ends up in a row, he sticks up for them and I suppose he will do as they are his family.

Where abouts are you from foxymum? My OH's parents live in Worthing, I class it as Brighton because when ever I normally say it people dont have a clue what im on about
Princess_Puddles said:
Thank you ladies, I have spoken to my OH about this loads of times and it always ends up in a row, he sticks up for them and I suppose he will do as they are his family.

Same here :roll:

I know they're his family but you and Harry are too and in my opinion blokes should realise that they can't always take their parents side. It does my head in :wall:
oh hun like the others have said he is your baby so keep him close to you, im sorry you dont have a great family but i hope the weekend goes as quick as possible for you hun.

:hug: :hug:
I have to agree with the others - keep Harry close by your side. Maybe try to interact with people, and if they ask if Harry can be in a photo with your OH, then take yourself over there too.

I find the best way to beat rude people - is to kill them with kindness.

I hope your weekend isn't too bad :hug:
Princess_Puddles said:
Thank you ladies, I have spoken to my OH about this loads of times and it always ends up in a row, he sticks up for them and I suppose he will do as they are his family.

Where abouts are you from foxymum? My OH's parents live in Worthing, I class it as Brighton because when ever I normally say it people dont have a clue what im on about

hey!! Worthings even closer to me...i think :think: just aksed DH & he said its near Brighton? i'm useless with getting around places though!! we are just 10 mins from Eastbourne, ask your OH if he knows Eastbourne & we should meet up one day :D

how was it today anyway? :hug:
foxymum said:
Princess_Puddles said:
Thank you ladies, I have spoken to my OH about this loads of times and it always ends up in a row, he sticks up for them and I suppose he will do as they are his family.

Where abouts are you from foxymum? My OH's parents live in Worthing, I class it as Brighton because when ever I normally say it people dont have a clue what im on about

hey!! Worthings even closer to me...i think :think: just aksed DH & he said its near Brighton? i'm useless with getting around places though!! we are just 10 mins from Eastbourne, ask your OH if he knows Eastbourne & we should meet up one day :D

how was it today anyway? :hug:

I didn't go :'( http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/forum/v ... 747#550747

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