help..not sure what to do

I Really Hope This Is Your Month You Really Deserve This :hug:
all went ok- execpt I got home at 7, had to do dinner for us and then be at work by 7.50. Absolutely exhausted by the time I got in at 12 last night :bored:

Then in the middle of the night broke the rule of no bding with DH for at least a day after :oops: :rotfl: but the ones making it up to my tubes should have done it by then surely :rotfl:
LOL potentially those sperms could be arguing all the way up to your tubes!!! Its mine , no its my egg, etc etc..... think ive had one to many glasses of archers last night! :oops: :rotfl:

Wishing you the world of luck hun!!!! :cheer:
libs said:
all went ok- execpt I got home at 7, had to do dinner for us and then be at work by 7.50. Absolutely exhausted by the time I got in at 12 last night :bored:

Then in the middle of the night broke the rule of no bding with DH for at least a day after :oops: :rotfl: but the ones making it up to my tubes should have done it by then surely :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well that is us dont for another month, now it is up to our bodies to do the rest while we
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Good luck libs, I so hope this is your month of trying to concieve! You really deserve a baby after all of this!

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