
Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Bradley has fallen down the stairs about half an hour ago, he landed backwards, hes had a nose bleed which has settled, but now hes gone to sleep, what do i do, fiona isnt home, do i get him to hospital or what!!

sorry to sound thick but i dont know what to do for the best,
I would keep an eye on him, once he wake if he is in pain take him to either doctor or hosiptal.

Hope all is ok with him.

:hug: :hug:
thanks just been told that as well by someone on msn,

fiona wont be happy, but accidents happen hey!
If he hit his head then i would wake him up to be honest. He might cry but its easier to see a concussion if he is awake.

If he throws up or seems disorintated take him to A&E.
you dont need to wake children up anymore that have banged their head that came from the hospital last week. they used to say dont let them sleep but not any more
Thanks will see how he is when he wakes up.. :wall:
Phone NHS direct and get some advice from them, the number is 0845 4647.

Im not being funny, but none of us here are doctors and it would be awful if there was something wrong and you done nothing because of advice you got on a forum (no offence to anyone)

Hope hes ok :hug:
glitzyglamgirl said:
Phone NHS direct and get some advice from them, the number is 0845 4647.

Im not being funny, but none of us here are doctors and it would be awful if there was something wrong and you done nothing because of advice you got on a forum (no offence to anyone)

Hope hes ok :hug:

Thanks for that, will ring them now and see what they say, didnt know the number, so thank you

sorry about posting on here as well, just wanted a wee advice, thanks girls :hug:
Personally I agree with GGG, I would ring NHS Direct and get some proper advice.

I wouldn't let him sleep either but thats just my opinion :?
Yeah thanks for that,

i have just contacted them, they said they can sleep, so long as you moniter the breathing pattern etc, also to avoid boistrious activitys over the next few days, they sleep because the brain needs to recover they said!

BUT because he had a nose bleed they say it may indicate a small injury, so im best to get him up to a n e,

He is alert now hes woken up, so he looks ok, but who knows what has happened!

thanks everyone, will pop and see fiona whilst we are there and break the bad news! :(

Let you know later if anything is wrong, im sure hes fine though..
I dont like ringing the NHS direct line number as 95% of the time they say go to A & E as it covers there A** if somthing does happen thats my opioion thou.

Hope he is ok

Did he bang the back of his head but still had a nosebleed? If so I would get him straight ff to A & E

Better safe than sorry that's what I say.

GGG is right, none of us are doctors so should not take on the responsiblity of giving medical advice.
omg i was so angry when mark came to me at 11.45 and said bradley was in a and e, why wasnt i with them, made me feel so bad, wonder what is next cos things happen in 3's .. maybe i give birth :rotfl:

no seriously though bradley is ok, still getting the odd nose bleed, hospital gave him an x ray and all is ok, hasnt done any serious damage thank god..

urchin as i was told i think he fell after cameron took the stair gate off, but what mark hasnt told you is that the stair gate landed on bradley, so i think that is why he got the nose bleed..

KIDS :twisted:
i had to take my four yr old jake to a n e last week because he had put some playdough in his ear lol he thought it was funny i had to wait about 3 hrs but i took them 5 minutes to get it out my boys can open and climb stairgates its scares me to death id take them off if it wasnt for molly boys eh :D

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