help...advice needed quick

Hope he's doing ok now! We bought an ear thermometer from Toys r us and it terrified me. It was constantly telling me I had a fever, and even silly things like in one ear my temp would be significantly lower than the other one... (it was the only thermometer in the house when I started all my uti stuff). So you wouldn't be the only person swearing at an ear thermometer! :hug:
I never use ear thermometers the one in nursery is always wrong! I have one of the head ones that you dont touch you just put it close to babies head and it takes the temp...also prevents all the distress you get from holding thermometers under arms/into ears/onto heads..and it always seems quite acurate :)
OMG..we're home! Hayden is fine!
it was so the time we got to hospital they took him straight in..they were worried it was meningitus because had a high temp and his hands and feet were freezing, the spot on his tummy turned into what looked like a purple bruise with little red spots and he was still floppy and sleepy! so anyway they took blood and stuff brought his temp down and monitered him and he started perking up about midnight..they wanted to keep him overnight for obs and he seemed almost back to normal by this morning..the mark on his tummy went away slowly throughout today.

so anyway they deduced that he had changes in his blood caused by the liquid paracetamol i had been giving him after his injections..they said its out of his system now and just to watch him very closely as it could make him more prone to infection/bugs! but he is very perky now and back to his smiley self! thank god for that!! i was so scared! and we had to stay in the postnatal ward coz there was no beds in the kiddies ward so there were lots of newborns crying all night! i didnt sleep at all!
So glad everything is okay hun! Kisses for Hayden too (xxx)
Oh dear shame u got no sleep! Good news hes okay though! Was he allergic to the liquid paracetamol? or was it too much for him?
Glad alls well honey, what a horrible scare! :hug:
thanks..and thanks everyone for your messages :hug: :hug:

i dont think he was allergic just didnt agree with him..maybe it was too much! i was using the boots own brand one
i got some calpol yesterday and they said that a 5ml spoon of that shouldnt affect him like this! so thats good!
So glad he's ok!

Been looking out for the 'safe' post.

big hugs to little one and yourself , you should try to get some rest too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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