Help me if you no plz!!!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2006
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I had an appointment with my midwife(well 1 of 20) 2day and i have high blood pressure and protein! I have had each thing on seperate occassions b4 but never 2gether, which has always cleared up! :( I have a community midwife coming out tomorrow morning to check on me, i no protein and blood pressure can be a sign of pre eclampsia! If i am the same 2morrow what do you think they will do, will i have to go in 2 hospital?
I tried to ask one of the midwifes @ the doctors but there useless. Ive never seen the same midwife more than once and in my opinion they look at me like a piece of sh*t because of my age!
Please help if you know? Thanx :hug:
I'm not completely sure but my friend had pre eclampsia at around week 34 of her pregnancy and she was admitted to hospital for constant monitering, she had an emergency section at about 36 weeks. Its quite serious so they like to keep an eye on you. I'm sure if it was very high they'd have admitted you today. You are almost at 40 weeks aren't you? I'm sure you will have your baby soon and all will be fine :hug:
My sisterinlaw had this and while they did eventually hospitalise her, to begin with she was told to rest at home and take it easy. She managed like this for a couple of weeks and was then brought in and induced early.
Hope everything is ok with you hun :hug:
i will update myself, community midwife come round yesterday and my bp was very high and still had protein. So i had to go to hospital and be put on a mointor to check the baby, hes fine, they took bloods and they are ok so i got sent home!
Had another midwife come around today, still protein and high bp but been told to rest :sleep:
Now i have a midwife coming round everyday until my due date on tuesday, then i have to see my consultant to see if he thinks inducing me would be the answer! Hope so! :cheer:
At least they are keeping a good eye on you hun,lets hope the little man hurries up and puts in an appearance soon :D xx
I'm glad they are monitering you well, hopefully you will be with your LO :D

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