help, im so bored!


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2007
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i stopped workin at xmas cause i cant do my job with a bump and my son is at nursery until 2 and im so bored all the time, i worked until i was near due last time so the time flew, cant seem to find anything to do during the day, im ok at night when my fiance gets home from work and lewis gets out of nursery.. anyone the same?
i wish! im sick of working, how about cross stitching? i love doing it and you get something at the end of it. if you dont know how to do it get yourself a magasine and find a simple design you like. thats how i started now i cant stop! :D
Yeah me.... i'm going mental im that bored, i'm hating it.
and i feel like i', constantly popping round to friends all the time, and they must be getting sick of me.

I take Harrison to school and then spend nearly all day cleaning the house, don't know why by the time Harrison and Lee are home its back to a mess again..... Feels like i need something to do.
hiya girls

i'm the same so bored during the day ashley goes to playgroup in the afternoon so i get abit of time with ollie.

i haven't been to work since 05 and its killing me not having proper conversation hubbys in work every day from 7 till 6 and i'm knackered by about 9 and i'm off to bed,

i've tried doing cross stitch i have thousends of half attempted ones around the house i get board doing them

sorry girls i'm just moaning now

take care

bobby :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know how you feel I had to stop my job too, I feel really lonely during the day as all of my friends are still at work and none of them have children/are pregnant so they don't tend to ask me much about pregnancy. This will sound really sad but it's why I'm on here as much as it is really nice to see how other people are getting on with their pregnancies.
My friends keep asking me out to nights out in the town but A) I don't want to go as town is really crowded and someone would most probably knock into bump and B) It's not really fun hanging around a bunch of drunk people when you can't drink. They never want to have quiet nights in (We're all26/27 so I find it quite weird as it's usually younger people who go out all the time, but maybe I'm just boring).
We went out to the cinema and a meal last month and that was really good fun as I could sit down and there was no alcohol and we chatted for ages. But I haven't seen my friends since. I don't expect them to talk to me about the pregnancy all the time, it would be nice just to chat about what films are out or what was on TV last night, but the only time they seem to call me is when they are having problems, or need a lift etc.
I have made arrangements to meet them in town for lunch but they have cancelled the past three times now and I am getting a bit fed up to be honest.

I was sleeping most of the day away until 12noon and then just watching TV till hubby came home, now he comes home for lunch to see me it's much better. My Mum and Dad have also been great and come over to see me a lot during the day. All three of them are being really supportive.

I just wish that I had some friends with children or pregnant friends my own age, but I won't meet any of these people until I start antenatal and that's not for ages yet.

So I totaly understand how you feel hipchick :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've forgotten what boredom feels like :rotfl: Enjoy it!hehe :hug: :hug: :hug:
How about some voluntary work at a local nursery, library, somewhere safe. Very best wishes, I really hope you find something to pass the time thats fun :cheer: :hug:

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