

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Oh god im soo bored at work! On my lunch at the moment - Cant seem to concentrate on anything anymore, anyone else feeling like this!?
Im leaving 8 weeks this Friday and i cant wait!
Anyway im 26 weeks tomorrow all is going well but i found out really early that i was pregnant and it has dragged a little! Got my 4D scan coming up on 5th July so im exited and looking forward to that.
Got to have my bloods taken at 28 weeks :( i hate needles !!!! & my veins are so tiny they struggle to get blood from me.
God you can see im bored im giving you lot my life story haha!!! Hope all of your are coping well with your pregnancy!
Q: Are any of you suffering from back pain especially in the lower back? This is really starting to hurt now :( Doesnt help being sat at a deak for 8 hours a day! Dont know what i can do to stop it hurting other than to take paracetomol but i dont really want to take any pills....
My wife has had really, really bad back pains. Tend to be bad after she has eaten, and has to lie down on the floor to stretch out her back sometimes. ds
As for paracetamol - she has really tried to avoid taking any, but has recently had some really bad migrainey headaches - and every doctor we speak to says that there is no worries at all to be had from paracetamol - so if it gets bad and is stopping you sleeping or anything - then lack of sleep might be even worse, so take some if you need them!!
Oh and just noticed you are into double figures!!! Congrats!!
I get really bad back ache! :( It makes me limp!
im seeing the midwife tomorrow so Im going to ask her!
It kinda feels like my hips out of place! Its not good!
I dont bother taking paracetamol for it as they dont do anything so no point! :(
Mine's intermittant. One day I'll get a lot of back pain and the next I might be ok :roll: I also try not to take tablets but like the others, I've been assured it's safe. I just don't like the idea of 'drugging myself up' with the little in there and TBH they don't last very long anymore even when I do take them :shock:
Ive noticed on my return to work that back pain from the desk is worse. I am going to post a ? in ask a mum as my work has stated I need to get something to ease it (health and safety) but Im unsure what will help :think:

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