Help, I need some advice!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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I don't know what to do.............

My step mum has arranged a surprise dinner for my dads birthday tomorrow night at a harvester. Out of the 12 people going 5 of them smoke (as well as any other guests at the restaurant!). Everyone wants to see Daniel. Do I take him to a smoky pub and ask my family not smoke around him. Although, lets be honest its probably going to be smoky in the bar area. Or do I sit in the restaurant with him, or leave him (for the first time) with my mum. Or not go altogther????? Am I being over protective or just cautious. He still hasn't entirely got over his bronchiltis infection and I really don't want him breathing in smoke.

Personally i would go without him but thats because i cant stand smoking. If your family wants to see him couldnt they meet up with you both somewhere more suitable.
do wot in ur heart feels rite
with his broncitus (spl) i dont think id take him tho
Go without him hun, it has been 2 months since Alastair had bronchiltis and he still isnt right yet :hug:
I'd go without him hun. If they want to see him maybe arrange a day for them to come to yours or something. I'm sure they'll understand.
All my family did come up to my house last weekend, so they all know I don't allow smoking around him as they were all made to go outside. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't smoke if I asked them. But its not just my family though because there will obviously be other people smoking. I guess I can't ask them to stop! hehe :wink:
I don't know :think: I guess my heart says no, but them I'm left with the whole 'leaving him with someone else for the first time' scenario
...........ahhhhhhh I don't know!! (by the way I'm a real worrier!)
hun he will be fine with ur mum for a few hours, dont worry too much go out and enjoy urslef he will be fine hun :hug:
Thanks girls :hug:
I think you're all right. I'm going to leave him with my mum. First time. That will give me something else to worry about!! hehe

sophie, poor Alastair, it really knocks it out of them :hug:
yea it does, and its horrbile to go through, like i said alastair still not over his, hope ur LO gets better soon xxx
Can you not find out if the restaurant has a no-smoking policy in the actual restaurant and no-smoking area in the bar? A lot of these restaurant/pubs do have them now. but it would also probably do you good to get out for a couple of hours on your own and relax.

do what you feel comfortable with.
Awww hun. :hug:

You just have to think that your Mum managed to look after you okay when you were a baby so it'll be fine. He probably won't even know you're busy :sleep:
sophie27 said:
yea it does, and its horrbile to go through, like i said alastair still not over his, hope ur LO gets better soon xxx

.......its horrible.
Daniel's not over his at all really (he doesn't need oxygen :shock: thank goodness) but he's still really snotty and has a coughing episode every now and then. The doctors told me he could have it for a while.
Hope alastair gets over it soon, poor baby. Guess they're both lil fighthers :hug:

tuck, the restaurant is no smoking, so we could sit in there :think:
skairdykat said:
You just have to think that your Mum managed to look after you okay when you were a baby

:lol: :lol:
I know, I forget that often!! lol

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