HELP! i could kill them!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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its been happening for a while now - but the guy next door keeps smoking in his garden and throwing his (still lit) fag ends on our garden. It's annoying me because its making our garden look messy and it makes me gip when i pick them up. I dont like touching them and knowing hes had it in his mouth! :puke:

I just need a way to get back at him, because telling him is oviestly not working! I thought of posting them through his letter box but i dont want to get in trouble.

any suggestions? :|
OMG thats so rude!!!!!!! :shock:

some people are unbelievable!

i'd sweep them all back up and leave them on his doorstep , or just chuck them back over once you have a big pile of them.

i still cant believe how anyone can think this is acceptable behavoir? what planet is he from? i think the lack of respect and courtesy in this country now is scary. ooh i'd like to give him a piece of my mind!!!

what about when you have a little one running about puttin things in their mouth :puke:

grrrr - very angry for you!!!

Throw them back lol, thats what we do when next doors rubbish goes into our garden.
i have and he caught me doing it one day and i said "you stand next to the bin to smoke why not put them in when youve finished you tramp" and he ignored me! iv been thinking about just putting them through his letter box but he was 2 little kids. As much as id like to piss him off i dont think his kids should suffer. and like you said it can be horrible if your little ones eat stuff like that.
I like Em's idea of leaving them on his doorstep. Just collect them for a few days so you have a nice little pile, then take them round.

If he didn't have little kids of his own, I would definitely tell you to throw them back over, or collect your used t-bags, and throw these over!! :lol:
Complain to the council. Bloody rude, ignorant people :twisted:

I've got a carrier bag full of dog poo if you want it!!!! (a friend of mine's Dad posted cat poo through his neighbours door once coz their cat keep dropping its load in his garden :rotfl: )
What a dirty little tramp, id report it to the council there must be something against things like that, its your property he is messing up!!

uh thats nasty putting poo thru someones letterbox, you cant help where you're cat goes for a poo.
jenna said:
its been happening for a while now - but the guy next door keeps smoking in his garden and throwing his (still lit) fag ends on our garden. It's annoying me because its making our garden look messy and it makes me gip when i pick them up. I dont like touching them and knowing hes had it in his mouth! :puke:

I just need a way to get back at him, because telling him is oviestly not working! I thought of posting them through his letter box but i dont want to get in trouble.

any suggestions? :|

use a bucket to pee and poo in for the next few days and throw it over his garden the next time he throws a fag end in your garden.
If he complains tell him iys your hormones and you're currently under the doctor about it.
well he did it again while i was out for a walk so i put it in his key hole... i'll just keep it little for now and the more he does it the more stupid my ideas will get.

The thing that anoys me the most is whenever me and my DH are BD'ing he goes out for a fag and the windows allways open and the smoke comes in and i cant breathe...its not good for my TTC'ing situation! (me and DH must be noisey in bed!) and all the time im thinking "im going to have to pick another fag end up tomorow". :puke:
i had a neighbour who use to do it too Jenna. i used to just go and throw them over his yard.
I threw cress seed into his beloved flower beds tooo :rotfl: :rotfl: you should have seen him trying to 'weed' that. :rotfl:

oh thats aweful expecually if you dont smioke i hate the smell of them yuck :puke:
hope you figure somthing out
budge said:
i had a neighbour who use to do it too Jenna. i used to just go and throw them over his yard.
I threw cress seed into his beloved flower beds tooo :rotfl: :rotfl: you should have seen him trying to 'weed' that. :rotfl:

Budge you are a bugger, but i love that idea!!!!

Don't go on holiday pleaseee

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