HELP! how to give baby anti biotics


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Hayden has to have anti biotics for his skin infection :( It came in a normal bottle with a spoon but he spits it back out..

How do i give it to him? its getting bad!!!

i used the plunger that comes with baby nurofen - worked a treat :D
yup syringe worked here too - ask your chemist for one
as above use a syringe. The nurse told me when I had to give them to Daniel to squirt it into the side of his mouth slowly it is less likely to come back out.
I'm shocked that they gave you a spoon! Get the pharmacist to give you and appropriate size of syringe. I'd guess he's on 1ml so if they try to give you a 5 or 10 ml syringe insist they give you a 1 or 2 ml one. It makes a big difference in how easy it is to give. DD was on antibiotics for 2 months and we would squish a little in her mouth (0.1 - 0.2ml) then put her dummy in so that she would suck and swallow the antibiotics. Now we put things straight on the dummy, again in small quantities and get her to suck it off before putting more on.
OH fab!! Thanks girlies i'll get one tom!

Just seen your reply Kalia thats a fab idea!! Never thought of that, I think its 5mls will the chemist just give me one then?

purple13 said:
i used the plunger that comes with baby nurofen - worked a treat :D
We use that for all meds now. Much easier :D
Steelgoddess said:
OH fab!! Thanks girlies i'll get one tom!

Just seen your reply Kalia thats a fab idea!! Never thought of that, I think its 5mls will the chemist just give me one then?


You can buy them from the pharmacy for about 40p.
kalia said:
I'm shocked that they gave you a spoon! Get the pharmacist to give you and appropriate size of syringe. I'd guess he's on 1ml so if they try to give you a 5 or 10 ml syringe insist they give you a 1 or 2 ml one. It makes a big difference in how easy it is to give. DD was on antibiotics for 2 months and we would squish a little in her mouth (0.1 - 0.2ml) then put her dummy in so that she would suck and swallow the antibiotics. Now we put things straight on the dummy, again in small quantities and get her to suck it off before putting more on.

thats definately the way forward spud needs 4 syringes pr day and thats how we used to give it to her, she loves her meds now tho :rotfl: and suckles the syringes!! (DH calls it her baby smack :rotfl: )
sparky said:
kalia said:
I'm shocked that they gave you a spoon! Get the pharmacist to give you and appropriate size of syringe. I'd guess he's on 1ml so if they try to give you a 5 or 10 ml syringe insist they give you a 1 or 2 ml one. It makes a big difference in how easy it is to give. DD was on antibiotics for 2 months and we would squish a little in her mouth (0.1 - 0.2ml) then put her dummy in so that she would suck and swallow the antibiotics. Now we put things straight on the dummy, again in small quantities and get her to suck it off before putting more on.

thats definately the way forward spud needs 4 syringes pr day and thats how we used to give it to her, she loves her meds now tho :rotfl: and suckles the syringes!! (DH calls it her baby smack :rotfl: )

Isaac suckles the syringe too :lol: i swear he loves the antibiotics (he's been on them since birth) and they are aniseed flavour :puke: :puke: :puke:
purplebluered said:
sparky said:
kalia said:
I'm shocked that they gave you a spoon! Get the pharmacist to give you and appropriate size of syringe. I'd guess he's on 1ml so if they try to give you a 5 or 10 ml syringe insist they give you a 1 or 2 ml one. It makes a big difference in how easy it is to give. DD was on antibiotics for 2 months and we would squish a little in her mouth (0.1 - 0.2ml) then put her dummy in so that she would suck and swallow the antibiotics. Now we put things straight on the dummy, again in small quantities and get her to suck it off before putting more on.

thats definately the way forward spud needs 4 syringes pr day and thats how we used to give it to her, she loves her meds now tho :rotfl: and suckles the syringes!! (DH calls it her baby smack :rotfl: )

Isaac suckles the syringe too :lol: i swear he loves the antibiotics (he's been on them since birth) and they are aniseed flavour :puke: :puke: :puke:

you should try him on organic fennel tea when hes starting out on other fluids as that tastes like aniseed too...!!

Sorry for the hyjack Sharne, if you are struggling let me know and i'll stick one in the post for you
id buy a bottle of nurofen lol handy to keep in the draw anyway as it seems better for leland that calpol for the temps he gets . but yeh the pharmacy should just give you one , we got one for his folic acid and anitbitics .
Am I the only mother with a baby who loves medicine off a spoon. The nurse was pretty shocked that he'd take it off a spoon the other day too!
ASD123456 said:
Am I the only mother with a baby who loves medicine off a spoon. The nurse was pretty shocked that he'd take it off a spoon the other day too!

Nope, Galen loves his off the spoon. We have to keep his hands busy as he tries to grab it and shove it in his mouth for us :lol: And he always makes his yum 'mmmmm' sounds when being given it. And looks for more. And tries to swipe the bottle :lol:

I think he takes off the spoon so well as he feeds himself from one and has no association with it being something he doesn't want to try (from being weaned and spoonfed) or doesn't like.
Fi prefers a spoon too!
But when she was littler she had a syringe thing. At her first jabs the nurse gave us a strip of about 10. lol
ASD123456 said:
Am I the only mother with a baby who loves medicine off a spoon. The nurse was pretty shocked that he'd take it off a spoon the other day too!

Cally took calpol off the spoon, opened her mouth and went mmm afterwards but would not take the ibuprofen suspension whatsoever so we needed the syringe for that lol.
The anti biotics is nasty im not surprised he doesnt want it...

But :shhh: don't tell him i told you guys...

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