HELP - Going back to work during maternity leave


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2013
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So I'm a bit clueless and just wanted to get some feedback from anyone that has been in my situation or know anything about what I'm trying to get at....

So my son was due May 11th, I started my maternity leave on April 17th and planned to go back in January (8 months) the last 13 weeks are unpaid so I wanted to be back before that.

I now plan to go back in November so my question is.... Am I entitled to maternity pay until January plus the wage I make or does maternity pay stop when I return to work even if I go back early?

Any questions and advice are appreciated :) xox
Maternity pay would stop, however you are entitled to take 10 Keep in Touch (KIT) days, at a time that is convenient to both you and your company. I'm not sure if there is rules against the 10 days being consecutive, but I don't think there is. I did around 7 KIT days both times, but mine were spread out, here and there for training and stuff.
As Mrs M says, maternity pay stops when maternity leave stops. But you can use your KIT days and accrued holiday to get some extra salary before you go back.
Kit days are not a legal obligation - your employer doesn't have to allow you to have them - however if they do and you brh agree to work them - then they may be worth doing

However like others have said your maternity pay stops when you return :)

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