help.... feelings of slight period pains


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Hi, I am just over 5 weeks pregnant and this afternoon have had slight feelings of what only I can think of describing as 'period pains' ..
no bleeding etc, but I am 40 and am a bit concerned... Also felt quite tired these last 2 days but I gather that is pretty normal

IS this normal ??

thanks, Fiona
Totally normal, I spent until around week 9 convinced I was about to get my period, I had mild period pains, and a discharge which felt like AF was arriving (sorry if TMI)...

Once they die off, you will feel stretching pains, which us also normal, your body adjusting and growing...

I had jet lag type tiredness until around a week ago, make sure you rest loads, and enjoy your pregnancy!!
Me too with the period pains. Completely normal so don't worry.
Zoe, I'm glad your jet lag has gone. Mine is still in full force. This heat isn't helping. Not complaining though!
Fiona Ive been getting them every day since before period was due, we're both at the same stage so I think its normal hun.
thanks girls, you have managed to put my mind at rest....
I too have period pains, and this morning I had such a pain in my left side and lower back, I could only lay in bed to relieve is better now, but all these pains and aches can be worrying, but are perfectly normal.

The time to worry is if they are really painful or really painful & you bleed!

Good Luck hun xx
exactly the same, all normal, nice to know we all feeling the same its reassuring definitely, are you all still on cloud nine, i am!! :dance:

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