Help feeding please


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Ok so my 3 month old is getting very hungry in the mornings. He is struggling to go very long between his feeds normally 1.5 to 2 hours. This morning before 12 he had already demolished 12oz he had only been awake since 8. Lots of people are saying to try him on a bit of baby rice just in the morning to help him. What do others think of this xxx
3 months is far far to early to think about weaning, 17 weeks is the ABSOLUTE earliest you should consider (unless medically advices) and even the 6months is where you should be aiming for.

Does he sleep well through the night - he could just be making up for what some LOs his age take in night feeds - what is his total across 24hrs like - is it age/weight appropriate??

Personally I'd just take his lead and ignore those who try to pressure you to wean early - his little tummy is not ready! X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I'm pretty sure Sophie was only going a couple of hours in between feeds at that age. It's completely normal and you just have to go with it, I don't believe there is any quick fix for it xx
As said earlier 3 months is way to young to start weaning unless under medical advice. At baby matters class we were shown an example of how baby gets food before 6 months and its just like liquid going straight through a sieve. At 6 months this slows down to a trickle and is far better for baby's digestion system.

My LO only goes maybe 2 hours between feeds during the day. Sometimes he will stretch it to 3. He is breastfed. I don't mind feeding him this much during the day as he is sleeping 8 hours straight at night, only waking up for nappy change and feed and going down again for probably another 3 hours (today that's 4 hours so far :) ).
they have a growth spurt at 3 and 4 months so its normal for them to get really hungry then hun. just keep giving him milk
My HV told me off for feeding that regularly and told me to feed every 4 hours and feed water in between, I did manage to eek it out to 3.5. This may sound like a daft question but are you sure it's hunger? I got confused in the early days as some of the cries were pain and lo was comfort eating when I offered milk? I didn't realise that until 10 weeks x
My LO did this and i changed to hungry baby milk and worked a treat.
Dont try weaning just yet, i have introduced rice but dnt think shes ready x
I started Aila on baby muesli at 16 weeks in the mornings and she was the happiest baby ever Her naps even improved and they were AWFUL. Her reflux would be really bad on somedays that i wanted her to be able to eat something without having to throw it back up. i dont know which end of 3 months you baby is at though ? if near the end then maybe wait it out until close to 17 weeks? You could try the hungrier baby milk but i tried it for 3 days and it didnt make an ounce of a difference :) x
He's already on hungry baby milk and has been since 3 weeks old, he was so hungry he kept trying to get more food into his tummy and then he spewed it all back. Changed to the new milk he's been brilliant. Then today came. I have done everything to try and get him to sleep and his teeth have been awful. Xxxx
im afraid no amount of food or milk will help them sleep better when theyre teething hun you just have to bear with it
I'm not worried abouts the sleeping part night feeds don't bother me. It's just heartbreaking seeing him in so much pain xxx
For teething try anbesol- works better fr us than bonjela etc

Also nelsons teething granules work for us xx
yeah we used dentinox and teetha granules at that age and they worked brill :)
We use the boots own teething powders, they have exactly the same as nelsons and cheaper.

In respects to baby rice I wouldn't personally he is too young, I'm only just now contemplating giving R it.


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