Help! BF hungry newborn - milk not come in yet


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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Hello, I know it's early days and I should probably not worry but I can't help it! Eleanor was born 4 days ago and was a big 8lb14oz. I have been breast feeding and think that she has been attaching well immediately from birth. The problem is that she has a big appetite and my milk has not come in yet. She stopped passing merconium after 2 days and has not done any poohs since. She's done some wees but is having the brick red urea crystals rather than wet nappies. I'm worried that she's not getting enough liquid and is getting dehydrated. I'm also now worried that my milk will not come in....the books never mention this as a possibility. From last night, she's staying hungry after feeds and gets distressed at the breast quite quickly which is upsetting me too. Any advice would be welcome...I really don't want to switch to formula if this situation is temporary and not harmful to Eleanor.
I had the same problem with Logan (born 8lb 13oz), he would suck continually for hours and hours and for the first 4 days I ended up giving him a couple ounces of formula at 4am as he would scream and be unconsolable at that point. Once my milk came in on day 4 things were fine and I exclusively breastfed for 11 weeks. Topping up with formula is not advised as it can mess up the milk supply but I was exhausted and so was Logan so I felt there was no choice. I would phone your midwife and ask for advice.
Your milk could still come in yet so dont worry, I think its rare for it not to. Once it does come in things will get easier :hug: :hug:
The red urates are normal in the early days so dont worry about them.
Maia was 8lb 13oz when she was born. The best thing you could do is to let your baby suckle on the breast as and when even if that means feeding for most of the day. The colostrum is very good for babies and the more your baby feeds the quicker your milk will come in. The more your baby feeds your body will match the demand and produce enough milk to feed your baby so by letting your baby suckle you are telling your body just how much milk to produce.

The first few weeks are definitely the hardest when feeding is concerned and it will get easier, your milk should be here any day so try and carry on breastfeeding exclusively, dont give in its the best think in the world seeing your baby feeding from you.
Thank you for your replies. They really did put my mind at rest. Yesterday afternoon, the milk came in :cheer: I've been feeding Eleanor every 2-3 hours to get her back on track. The midwife did her 5 day weigh today and she was down to 7lb 11oz. I did feel so sorry that she had been starving for a few days and I'm not sure how I'd have coped if the milk had not come in before finding out about the weight loss. It's so lovely to watch her feed now....she's so much more contented and as a result, I'm getting a lot more sleep! :D
Weight loss is perfectly normal after birth. It goes down before it goes back up :) Babies have a store of fat laid down for those early days before the milk comes through. So although she lost a fair bit she had a food supply to live off of :)

My LO was 9lb 15ozs at birth and at 9 days after birth had regained what he lost to pass his birth weight. Your LO will soon put on what she lost and then some :)
Well done hun you are doing great, those ounces will soon be back on dont worry. Enjoy your LO :hug:
Well done for perservering!!

It might just be here but the policy when Charlotte was born is not to weight for 10 -14 days after birth, to avoid the disappointment of early weight loss - which is inevitable anyway. By the tme she was weighed at day 10 she had put on over a pound. My milk didnlt come in until day 4/5 either but the soon catch up.

Hope it all goes well for you.

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