Help - baby won't sleep in anything


Active Member
Oct 25, 2011
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Hi all

Was wondering if anyone had some advice for me.

My baby (now 2 months old) refuses to sleep in a moses basket. He has done for the last month. He likes to stretch his arms straight out and then hits the sides and then wakes up and screams.

We have tried a crib too. He used to sleep in it in the day. We had to take the bumpers off as he once again stretched his arms out, so it go through the gaps.

But now for the last 2 months, he just screams when we put him down in the moses basket and crib.

He likes to be put to sleep in your arms and then we can put him down on our bed, or the sofa and that is all ok.

Any ideas/tips/advice to help us figure out where to put him to sleep at night (that's safe).
Have you tried swaddling him? K is three months old nd still needs to be swaddled to sleep.
At night at the moment I cuddle harrison to sleep as he is refusing to self settle at night at the moment but we just calmly cuddle him not interact with him and then put him down, if he wakes up we repeat this, eventually he gets the point that he isnt just going to go to sleep in our arms!!
Have you got a cot set up to try? Sounds like baby needs the room.

^^^ wss my lo spent first night in her cot last night for those exact reasons and had the best nights sleep ever x

Thank you for all your replies.

He doesn't like being swaddled.

I haven't got a cot. Was a bit scard of buying one and him refusing to sleep in it, especially as we are on a tight budget. Looks like that's the answer thou.

Thanks all.

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