Help - any advice gratefully received!


Jul 14, 2008
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Hi there,

I'm new to the forum and found yesterday while trying to search online for some advice. Any advice would be gratefully received!

We've been TTC for around 2 yrs and in May my period was a week late, in June, it was back to normal but shorter (4 days) and not as heavy and this month, it was a week early, lasted 3 days and was really light, which for me is really unusual.

About a week before I got this months period, I had a few of the normal symptoms, no pains stomach wise but really tender breasts to the point of being sore at times.

Over the past week, I've noticed a real swelling around my stomach, initially I was thinking got to cut back on the chocolate I've been buying, but in actual fact, I've been eating less sweets, so I'm not sure that's it. If my stomach feels uncomfortable in the past I've asked my OH to massage it just so it feels more comfortable, on Saturday I said my stomach just doesn't feel quite right and asked him just to feel it, it feels a bit hard almost at the front (centre) and he agreed (he didn't massage or anything, he just felt it to confirm my thoughts or tell me I was wrong - he thought when I'd been telling him everything I'm saying here, it was just me).

I normally sleep on my stomach and for the past week or two, it's been really uncomfortable to the point that over the past week or so, I just haven't attempted it.

I've been feeling really sick for the past 2 days, going to the loo more and noticing smells more. On Sunday I noticed the smell of the furniture polish when cleaning much more than normal, normally I do it and don't notice the smell, on Sunday I thought blimey, I must have used a lot, but I didn't do anything more than normal.

I've taken 2 HPTs - one on Saturday when I was still bleeding a little or spotting, or whatever it's called, and one this morning. Both were negative and I really don't know what to do now?

Any advice would be really much appreciated, I don't know whether to leave it a few days, see what happens, book a docs appointment or what's best really.

Thanks in advance and apologies for the essay :)
hmmm it shounds hopefull however i'd suggest deffo gonig to the docs, Some women do have periods through their pregnancy or for the first few months so mabe... but like i said the doctor will be able to advise you good luck :D :pray:
Thank you Anna23 :) I've got my fingers crossed :)

I don't go to the doctors that often, maybe once a year. The last twice I've been to see the same doctor and he's made me feel like a hypochondriac (sp?) so it's made me a little nervous about it.

I'm sure he's a good doctor, but the only times I've seen him he's made me feel like a bit of a prat and because I don't go that often to the point where it could be seen I'd go for any particular reason to waste their time, if you know what I mean.

ETA: I am going to book a docs appointment though - and go with everything crossed!!
Good luck with the Dr's.

It's always worth getting things checked out no matter how insignificant you may think it is.
Thanks Lorna :) I've got an appointment on Thursday a.m, so I'm hoping for the best.

I keep thinking have I got the sicky feeling and butterflies feeling in my stomach because I'm nervous and possibly excited about it, so I'm really trying to double guess myself in a lot of ways but I don't think that's quite it because I just feel different in a lot of ways.

2 negative results can't be good though, but I guess we'll see :)

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