could I be? any advice is gratefully received


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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Firstly, i am new here, so hello everyone :wave:
I will give you some background... i am 27, i am not on or have been on any pill or fertility drug. I have PCSO and so have irregular periods, can have two or mores period a year.
At the early part of this year I had early pregnancy symptoms but when ever i did a test it was negative. i then (or so i thought) miscarried a month later as, excuse me for the detail, but passed through quite a large amount of tissue after a sharp pain. the doctor said i must have been pregnant but even now cant quite believe it. she said it was an early pregnany. i thought that you wouldnt pass through tissue if it was early?? :?

Anyway getting back to now. Although I have irregular periods, i still no my own body and believe it or not, there is some pattern to it. Two weeks i bled very lightly (almost like a light period), experienced pain in my lower right hand side. It stopped then last thursday i had weird period cramps and bled for one day, after this, i got brown discharge which has just stopped yesterday. I have really swollen breasts and my nipples hurt, but this only started last thursday.

I am aware of when pregnancy signs should kick in, but mine seem too early but i know that i dont feel right?!
I only ever get sore breasts prior to a heavy period (only a heavy bleed) and they stop hurting as soon as the period has finished, yet mine are still hurting.

I have done several pregnancy tests but you can guess that they are negative. can anyone shed some light on this for me please? should i wait longer to do another test?
also, i have a mouth ulcer, i have read this could be connected or is this wrong?

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