HELP!!!!! Amnio test!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
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I had the midwife from hospital call today saying my blood tests have come through & showing me at a higher risk for Downs. 1:150

Bloods as follows:

AFP - 0.97 MoM
uE3 - 0.65 MoM
B-hCG - 1.45 MoM
Inhibin A - 1.24 MoM

Hubby and I are in total turmoil & tears on what to do. :confused:
Hi hun,

Firstly :hugs: 1:150 although may be in the 'high risk' category there is still 149:150 chance that you LO wont have DS

I'm sorry I dont know much about the results you've been given but hopefully someone on here with more experience will be along soon.

Have you thought about further testing? have you been offered further consultation/support from the hospital?

We're all here for you xxx
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1 in 150 is a less than 1% (0.67% in fact) chance of Downs hun x x

Bloods alone also aren't that accurate.

Did the do the nuchal test at your 12 week scan?
I know its technically classed as high risk, but its still a pretty low risk of ur baby having DS.

As the others have said, there's an extremely high chance that ur baby will be absolutely fine.

Hope everything is ok hun, try not to worry too much (easier said than done, I know) xx

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Hi there

Sorry to hear you have been faced with this situation. Hubby and I have recently had to make a decision on whether to have an amnio test.

To cut a long story short we had our 12 week scan and everything was fine. They asked us if we minded going back to be part of training - this is where an expert done another scan and was explaining to the sonographers different features etc. She found that minion had apparently no nasal bone which can be a sign of Down's though not always. We were given a risk of 1:85

We had booked an appointment tomorrow with a Consultant to have the amnio done though he said we could change our mind right up until the day of the test. It was a test I said I would never have because of the slight risk of miscarriage but onc efaced with the possibility hubby and I "felt" we needed to know one way or another. I got my mind set to have the test done but today we have decided we are not going to have the test as it wont make a difference to the outcome so why take the risk.

Its a horrible situation to be in. If you want to PM me feel free.

I will update my thread tomorrow after our appointment with Consultant xx
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Good luck for tomorrow Kaz xx

FerretLover - can you see a nasal bone on your 12 week scan pic?
1 in 150 is a less than 1% (0.67% in fact) chance of Downs hun x x

Bloods alone also aren't that accurate.

Did the do the nuchal test at your 12 week scan?

hi hun,

thank you.

Unfortunately they couldnt do the Nuchal test at 12 weeks as baby wasnt keeping still and sonographer couldnt see it clearly enough
Hi there

Sorry to hear you have been faced with this situation. Hubby and I have recently had to make a decision on whether to have an amnio test.

To cut a long story short we had our 12 week scan and everything was fine. They asked us if we minded going back to be part of training - this is where an expert done another scan and was explaining to the sonographers different features etc. She found that minion had apparently no nasal bone which can be a sign of Down's though not always. We were given a risk of 1:85

We had booked an appointment tomorrow with a Consultant to have the amnio done though he said we could change our mind right up until the day of the test. It was a test I said I would never have because of the slight risk of miscarriage but onc efaced with the possibility hubby and I "felt" we needed to know one way or another. I got my mind set to have the test done but today we have decided we are not going to have the test as it wont make a difference to the outcome so why take the risk.

Its a horrible situation to be in. If you want to PM me feel free.

I will update my thread tomorrow after our appointment with Consultant xx

Hi Kaz,

I feel sooo embarrassed now as our results seems nothing compared with yours. My heart goes out to you & your hubby hun. I feel the same way about the test too. Feel free to PM me too.

I feel like I "need" to know but my head is all over the place as im so undecided as we have tried for years for this little one.
nasal bone looks present.

im wondering, would the hospital give me another scan if I wanted one as im really worried now and still unsure of the test.
Big hugs and good luck to both you and Kaz, I'm sure you're bubs will be ok.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I had a wriggler at my nhs nuchal too and my midwife advised me that the 16 week blood weren't very accurate so to do it privately, I think it's terrible they don't offer rescans!

With my private scan they worked out my risk based on measurement, bloods, age and weight, not sure if they will have taken age and weight in to account with your calculation but the younger and the lower BMI the lower your risk too.

Hi there

Sorry to hear you have been faced with this situation. Hubby and I have recently had to make a decision on whether to have an amnio test.

To cut a long story short we had our 12 week scan and everything was fine. They asked us if we minded going back to be part of training - this is where an expert done another scan and was explaining to the sonographers different features etc. She found that minion had apparently no nasal bone which can be a sign of Down's though not always. We were given a risk of 1:85

We had booked an appointment tomorrow with a Consultant to have the amnio done though he said we could change our mind right up until the day of the test. It was a test I said I would never have because of the slight risk of miscarriage but onc efaced with the possibility hubby and I "felt" we needed to know one way or another. I got my mind set to have the test done but today we have decided we are not going to have the test as it wont make a difference to the outcome so why take the risk.

Its a horrible situation to be in. If you want to PM me feel free.

I will update my thread tomorrow after our appointment with Consultant xx

Hi Kaz,

I feel sooo embarrassed now as our results seems nothing compared with yours. My heart goes out to you & your hubby hun. I feel the same way about the test too. Feel free to PM me too.

I feel like I "need" to know but my head is all over the place as im so undecided as we have tried for years for this little one.

No need to feel embarrassed at all hun hubby and I have you and your OH in our thoughts during this difficult decision making time.

My head was like that too think it was the initial shock of being told there might be something wrong and then I got my head sorted and was having the test done and then the doubts started creeping in as to why I was going to risk it for something we have wanted for ages. I then thought about my mum an dad who never got any scans with me and they have coped with my genetic condition (though its not noticeable and doesny hold me back) and I thought no I cant risk it so whatever happens happens

Good luck for whatever you decide xx
Big hugs and good luck to both you and Kaz, I'm sure you're bubs will be ok.:hugs::hugs::hugs:

I had a wriggler at my nhs nuchal too and my midwife advised me that the 16 week blood weren't very accurate so to do it privately, I think it's terrible they don't offer rescans!

With my private scan they worked out my risk based on measurement, bloods, age and weight, not sure if they will have taken age and weight in to account with your calculation but the younger and the lower BMI the lower your risk too.


Thanks maybe baby

Minion always has his or her hand up at their face so they had to try really hard to move it to get the measurements. Based on my age, nuchal measurements and bloods the risk was low and consultant said it was perfect.

I tried to get another scan out of my consultant but he said to go for the appointment today and discuss it further so fingers, toes, legs, eyes crossed he still does the scanning part he was gonna do anyway

FerretLover try and not worry too much and get some rest you and baby both need rest - I know its easy for me to say this now as my decision is made but trust me you will know whats right in your heart on what to do xx
Thank you. We saw the Specialist today and spoke in great lengths.

The Dr who performs the Amnio test is Egyptian & worked there for years and in my current hospital for years. In Egypt ALL pregnant women have the test.
He performs approx 120 per year and hasnt had a miscarriage in 4 years.
They use disposable equipment to minimize risk/infection.

The specialist went over all of our notes and scan and said personally she doesnt think our baby has downs BUT she cant promise and in all the experience she has she said she has seen similar results end up having a Downs baby.

We are booked in at 09:15am tomorrow but can change my mind anytime x

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