Help, advise, results!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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We just got back from the docs with results of my 21 day bloods, which was normal and OH sperm analysis, not brilliant. Although she didn't really explain them all that well and from what I've read on forums they don't seem to be as detailed as other peoples.

So this is what we have;
Slight Viscosity
38 Density
30% Motility
Poor/Fair Progression
1% Normal Forms
Then they've put -'s through Round Cells, agglutination and a x next to Debris

Can anyone help me out on what these mean please?

They want another sample to double check which we can't do for another month as we're off to the states for a month from next week so have to wait till we get back to do it again which is going to wreck our heads as just want to know if were going to have problems

Any help you ladies can offer will be really appreciated as I know a lot of you have done these tests too.

Thanks x
Hmm, they seem to be in a different format to my hubby's results, if the result literally stated all that you listed then yes they don't seem to be as detailed as my hubby's results.

My husbands results have a list that says:

Time specimen produce:
Time specimen examined:
Volume mL:
W.H.O score 1 (%):
W.H.O score 2 (%):
W.H.O score 3 (%):
W.H.O score 4 (%):
Total Concentration M/mL:
Motile Concentration M/mL:
Active Concentration M/mL:

And then there i a reference at the bottom so you can see what the results mean.

Then there is a summary at the bottom which states the medical terms affecting the sperm like "oligospermia".

Based on what you were told in your results i think it sounds pretty bad personally, and the fact that they are doing a repeat test implies the results are so bad that they probably mean you need assisted conception.

Although i am just specualting. I think that if someone gets a decent result that they don't send them for repeat tests.
Thanks for posting twice, I wasn't sure where I should have put my post but looks like I'm defo in this section now!
I'm really sorry about my response in the other one scaring you - it really annoys me when people seem to be left in the dark about the reality of their circumstances by their doctor.

My husband was the same, he just kept on repeating "the doctor says that technically i'm not infertile :)" and i looked over his results and i just broke down because they are awful...

Then i had to explain to my husband and it was like i was giving him the bad news :roll:

I'll just post in this section from now on.

Like i said, 1% motility is really bad and it sounds like a ICSI IVF job to me. That said, it could be a blip and the next results might be great but i prefer not to rely on that happening...

We're in the same boat it seems, waiting for time to tick until we get get the second test done - my hubby's is on the 19th i think. Get reading about IVF too, it's one of those subject that you think you know about because you hear about it all the time and then you have to go through it and you realise that you know nothing.

I'm here to chat if you need me xx
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Thank u, I'm so hoping it's a blip. So upset now I thought it was bad but my friends partner got 3% on the one that we got 1% and her specialist is telling her they shouldn't have any problem!

I'd rather people tell the truth here I'd rather know than keep guessing.
Oh well if your friend was ok, then that's hopeful :)

There is plenty of info on the internet about the things you mention in your results, as long as it's a reference source and not someone discussing it then it's not bad to google.
Thanks Hun doc said to take vitamin E which might help so I've ordered some of that.
Still in shock but we'll be OK.
Thanks for the advise x
awww sorry to hear that about your partner...

me and my partner are going through the same thing, we get my partner's 2nd lot of results back on 29th November, but we know it's going to be the same as before....

They have told my o/h to change his lifestyle, like eat healthier...we don't drink or smoke so that's a good start for us, as they are very strict on stuff like that lol Don't worry too much hunni, like Louise has said we are here for you, especially the 3 of us as we are all going through then same thing.

I am going to start a post up in this section regarding ICSI/ we can post our thoughts and questions in there...Join in

Donna x
Hi Buggy
Sorry to hear you're going through this (we're in the same boat too). Sorry I can't help advise re what the results actually mean. I found that writing a list of questions helps me each time I have an appointment coming up, cos otherwise my mind just goes totally blank!
Have a fun time in the States, and best of luck with your next appointment/test.

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