taking a bottle


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006
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tried to give evie a bottle of expressed milk last night... she wasn't taking the bottle and it all ended in a projectile vomiting incident!!! man, she's never vomited so much!!!

i thought we might have this problem as she won't take a dummy either, but any tips on how to get her to take a bottle...

(although i'm not planning on using formula, i'd like her to be able to be fed expressed milk on the odd occasion so that she can be away from me for more than an hour... not that i'm planning on leaving her a lot but me and oh have tickets to a concert at the end of october)

any advice greatfully received

p.s i have avent bottles
My LO is not a fan of Advent bottles, and has been bottle fed since 1week old.

Have you tried TT ones they are meant to be closer to breast etc etc? She may take one of those as she would be able to latch on simmilarly to the breast.
I found the TT bottles were good.

I would try again though the last thing you want to be doing is going out a spending lots of money on different bottles.
I got atleast one brand new TT bottle im happy to post/drop off to you if you want to try it. Save you spending money. Still in its packaging - I bought TONS of bottles, and only use about 6 of them, the other 6 I have are going on here at some point to see if anyone wants them. But theres still one or two spare on top of that. They came with the steriliser.

Anyway, enough waffling. Let me know x
I have used both Avent & TT Closer to Nature with Maia and started using these once I started expressing when she was 5 weeks old. At first I had no prpblem with her taking the bottle and going back to breast but then she became fussy and got nipple conusion as she was looking for the shape of the teat.

I changed the bottles and her dummy and started using NUK for both as they are designed to represent the shape of the nipple. Been good ever since swapping.

It might be that your lo is looking for the shape of the nipple, hence wont take the bottle. Worth a try, Boots sell them think they were about £3 a bottle.
All I can say is persevere as Emms was much the same - took a while to take a bottle but did eventually. I think she was about 2 1/2 months when she took it and by that time we tried the medium flow teats which worked quite well. Keep trying every so often and I'm sure your bab will get used to it. It is so different for them when they are used to boobie! :hug:
Thanks for all your replies... I picked up some TT bottles at the supermarket this morning after advice from here and from other mummies I know (hertsmummy, thanks so much for your offer if I had checked this forum before I went shopping i would have taken you up on it). I am about to express a couple of oz for OH to try with Evie when he gets home form work.... I'll let you know how it goes...

Gotta say good luck hun :)
My LO has never been fooled by the bottle and i have tried many different kinds and all sorts of techniques to try and get her to take expressed BM.

Do let us know how you get on with it :)

Have bought Calleigh a beaker to try when i think she is ready, so that is my next option.
Evie took the TT bottle with very little fuss.... she was a bit resistant at first but she was also very hungry and crying... once OH had calmed her down she took it easily.... I had expressed 2oz and she took that and went on to my boob afterwards (hadn't expressed too much after the avent puking incident!! didn't want to waste it!) so no nipple confusion either. It may be beginners luck (we have managed to get her to suck on a dummy... once!!) but I'm quietly hopeful...

Thanks again for your help
Aww glad it worked for you lets hope she doesnt change her mind.

What i will say is make sure you give her the bottle often as i first gave DD a bottle at around 6 weeks and she took it fine then i didnt give her a bottle again until around 12 weeks and she wouldnt take it because i had left it so long. She took it after a while but it took a few more goes at it.
Oooh, thats good!! Glad to hear it.

Hope she keeps taking it. Must be nice for your OH to be able to feed her :)

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