
Div Girl

Active Member
Apr 3, 2008
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Good morning to all.

I have been looking around the internet for a few answers, and have found some here. I found out I was pregnant a week ago, and had it confirmed at a doctors appointment yesterday. We have been trying for so long, I was expecting to feel exhilaration, but I dont feel any of it. I hope that this is normal, but I am really scared. It seems so daunting now.
Lovely to find this forum, just wanted to say hello.
hello and welcome :wave: :wave:
i think its normal for most women to feel this way. i know i certainly did .
Once bump arrives and it starts to sink in i think thats when the bonding begins.
:hug: :hug:
Hi and welcome! My wife felt exactly the same. I think it is just all the hormones that bombard you at the beginning. Stick with us and you will be fine!
Where are you from in Southend? Used to live there a year or so ago.
Me and my husband had been TTC for quite a while too and I thought when I got a BFP I would be so over the moon that I would be floating but the reality was much different.

When I saw the two lines on the test I had to sit down, the reality that I was going to be a mother and be responsible for another human being was too and I felt like I was going to pass out. Once the shock had worn off I felt loads better and was quite excited.

Now I go all over the place!! One minute I'm so excited at the thought of being pregnant and having a baby and the next I'm worring about how good a mum I'm going to be

I think it's a lot to do with hormones and fear of the unexpected. I'm sure that no matter what I'll manage and I've got a wonderful husband who I know will support me through anything so I've just got to get on with it.
Hi Jimmer - I am quite near the centre, quite near the seafront. Where are you now?

Thanks for your replies

I do have a wonderful boyf - we have are getting married - it was going to be sometime this year, but we have decided to wait until our liddlun comes along. Otherwise I have no hope of getting into a dress :rotfl:

I am sure I will settle into it. I was just so shocked at how I didnt (and dont) feel the way I was sure I would.
Hi, it is a shock when you find out. me and OH were TTC for 15 months and i couldn't wait for the day when i had a positive test but when that day came i was petrified because i realised there would now be 3 of us and its a lot of responsibility. even though we had thought all of that through before TTC it was still such a shock when it actually happens and becomes reality. I'm sure you'll feel better about it all once you've got used to the idea and you'll be able to enjoy your pregnancy.
Anyway welcome to the forum and if you ever fancy a chat feel free to send me a PM.
Congratulations and take care :hug:

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