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Jul 24, 2005
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Hello everyone, I found this forum a couple of weeks ago and have just been reading your stories and looking at your pictures. I am nearly 7 weeks pregnant (doctors think nearly 8, but I am sure I am right). I don't have a bump yet but my clothes are feeling pretty tight. I should be due around the 18th of March (or 13th according to the doctors). This is my first baby so I am a little neurotic! Reading your threads is very reasuring.

I look forward to getting to know you all and best wishes for lots of healthy pregnancies. :lol:
Hi Ally,

Welcome and congrats on your pregnancy! I am due 11th Feb so not that far away...keep in touch and let us know how you get on hun

Thanks, I am trying to get myself one of those tickers, but not sure if I have done it right as its not appearing.
Sorry everyone - talking to myself here. Trying to get this thing sorted out.
Hi Ally

I am due March 3rd - see you in the march baby club!!

Take care
Hi welcome to the site! Congrats on your pregnancy and hope it's a happy smooth sailing from here on!
Hey congratulations, my miwife and doctor tried tellin me that i was due on the 5th of feb, and i kept arguing with them that i wasnt more like the 23rd ish of jan, but they were adimant that they were right. lol. Ne way wen i went for my first scan my dates were spot on yes i was right down to the exact day that i tought my little one would be born the 23rd of jan (my das birthday aswell). I loved rubbin it in thiers faces, lol. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

bec x x
Hi Honey


I found this site in April and i absolutely love. this is my third child and i still find this a god send. It's a relief to speak to other ladies that are going through the same traumas as you. As good as your partners are they cant experience everything to the same extent.

congratulations and good luck

Hi Ally I'm due on the 15th March so just we can go through this together almost to the day! Hope you're feeling well, how long were you trying to concieve?
Thanks everyone for the welcome.

Sal, we were very lucky - the day we decided to try for a baby was our wedding night and it looks like we actually caught on our wedding night, or very early on in the honey moon. It was a lovely suprise as we really didn't expect it to happen so soon. How about you? Yes, we are due around the same time. I feel lousy at the mo though, hope it passes soon. :( My sickness lasts all day, I am not often actually sick but it feels a bit like travel sickness all day long :cry:

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