

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Hi - thought I had better say hello at last - I have been reading the forums since I was 5/6 weeks but haven't been brave enough to post until now.

I live in London with my husband and this is our first baby - really exciting and really scary. We have our 2nd scan next week so nail biting time!

Hello to all the 2nd tri ladies and bumps! - Feels like I know you all already as I have been following your pregnancies from afar :) (I'm not a stalker honest!)
Welcome Smile, Hope you have a great rest of your pregnancy. Are you going to find out the sex of your baby next week??
hiya :)

which hospital are you registered with in london? i'm at st george's and i've been quite impressed by them so far... it felt v weird to have to chose somewhere when i was only 5 weeks pregnant, but i think i made the right choice...
:wave: Hello and welcome, congrats on your pregnancy! How many weeks are you now??
wow! everyone is so friendly :hug:

we haven't decided really if we what to find out whether it is a boy or a girl - we have kinda decided that if we do we will keep it between just the two of us - although I'm awful with secrets (my own anyway - I'm good with other peoples :)) so we will see... :)

purple13 - I'm in North London but i know St George's really well as I lived in Tooting for 5 years - i used to know some of the midwives that worked their socially and they were lovely! Hope it goes well for you :)
Hi! :wave:

Congratulations and welcome! Pleased you've joined us at last!

Ladybird x
hellooooo :wave:
welcome and congrats... hope you enjoy it in here as much as the rest of us have :cheer:

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