

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2006
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I am venturing into the 1st trimester... :wave: :dance:

I have just found out im pg :dance: and we have decided to keep it to ourselves for a while. My best mate is what you would call the nosy sort and I am keen to avoid her until I am ready to tell her... not for any reason other than she will see through all the 'i'm on a detox', 'i just decided to quit smoking' etc etc..... and won't let it drop..

any advice welcome... she doe shave her heart in the right place but she can be very opinionated at times and i just havent got the energy to deal with her at the moment... is that bad of me?
no of course thats not bad of you! you want people to know when your ready to tell them! congrats on your bfp! :hug:
Just want to say huge congratulations to you hun :cheer: .
No i dont think its bad of you if thats the way you find easiest then you go for it.
I still haven't told many people. It is only my parents and my work that know so don't feel bad.

I quite like having this little secret, although won't be able to hide it for much longer, so enjoy this special time and tell everyone when you are ready, and you don't need to explain yourself to anyone either. xxx
its not bad of you hun you tell people when your good and ready ok.

Huge congrats hun have a great 9 months :cheer: :hug:
congrats hun :cheer:

course it isnt bad of you. its your baby and you tell people when you want to

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