

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2011
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Hi ladies. I got my BFP today on a Clearblue digital 1-2 weeks and we are due 27th Sept according to my new pregnancy app lol. Really looking forward to hearing how you're all getting on and share stories. Just so excited it's still a shock! Xxxxxxxxxxx
Aw I remember u from TTC! Massive congrats to u! Xox

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Hi Jay Jay. I remember reading your BFP story and going "Awwww!" lol. So nice to be joining everyone here! How have you been keeping? Xxx
Lol my BFP story was kind of a live feed lol.
I'm doing good, suffered badly with hyperemesis between weeks 7-10 but I've started feeling 'human' again the past few days lol.
Got my 12 week scan next week, all very exciting :)

Really lovely to see u over here, congrats again hun! Here's to a healthy and happy 9 months xx

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
Congrats and welcome to tri 1 :)
Congratulations!! So nice to see some famliure names from TTC xx
Glad to hear you are feeling better now! Oh that's amazing your first scan. It doesn't matter how many grainy scan pictures I've seen, they all make me gush! I can't wait for ours :) xxx

Hi Karate Kid - I know. It's lovely joining you all. Hope you're keeping well. Can't believe you're over 10 weeks now! :)

Thank you again for all the congratulations. My mum was hyper when she found out. We are going to my parents' tomorrow to officially tell them lol. Told OH's parents and brother last night. MIL was crying - which then made me cry lol xxx
Congratulations! How long have you been TTC! did you know you were pregnant?! did you feel differently x
Congratulations! How long have you been TTC! did you know you were pregnant?! did you feel differently x

Thank you! We've been ttc since October. I kind of had a suspicion this month was different as I have a huge break out of spots (attractive!) and have been exhausted. We both had the cold around ov time so only managed to bd once when I got my smiley opk. Really thought it wouldn't be enough so feel so lucky!

How about you? Xxx

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