Hello there Everyone...At last I am Back


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2005
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Hello everyone xxx :D

Just to let you know that I havnt disappeared off the face of the earth !!!!
Im now back with a new server at long last !! Although, current computer may see itself flying through the patio doors if it keeps crashing on me !!!

Aidan is now 6 months old, sitting up with two teeth and doing great. Mummy and Daddy are like walking zombies though cos sadly he no longer sleeps through the night. :roll:

Shannon is a happy little soul and doing well too and Mummy doing great too. :lol:

Will keep this post short as I dont want computer to crash half way through and to save Glazier Costs.

Hope you are all well and looking forward to taking part in the Forum again....It seems like sooooooooooo long.

Love to you all and looking forward to hearing all your news xxxx

Just to say have missed this forum heaps xxxxxx

Oh btw....yes it was me in Takeabreak...shudders with embarassment !!! but the money is going to pay for a new dishwasher :0)
Hiya! im Jo. new-ish here, wasnt here when you were. Glad to hear everything going well with you and your family tho. Take care xx
Welcome back Ragna!!!!!!!!!! :D

Maybe you should put that money aside for the new window :wink:
its gr8 to have u bck hun made a few posts wondering where u were lol, as the song goes dont be a stranger lol
Nice to hear from you Ragna, glad everything is going well.

You'll have a giggle at the "No Sleep Club" thread, lots of our babies are waking in the night !

Hi Ragna! :D Nice to see you back!

Ooooooh you're famous! Missed whatever it was :lol: I read That's Life :lol:
Hi nice to see you back, was wondering what had happened when i emailed with no reply!
Speak soon!
hey hun welcome back I remember you :-) lots of catchin up to do look forward to hearing more form you!
Yay :clap: ((((waves))))

Great to see you back :lol:

Catch up soon xxx

Carly and Phoebe xxx
Thank you so much for the lovely welcome backs xxxxxx

Dont get a chance to come on like I used to but will do me best to get here daily !

Answer to questions on Takeabreak. Was in June 1st edition of Take A Break on the Health Pages telling the story of how I lost a baby at 11 weeks after having a Deep Vein Thrombosis and gonig on to have injections every day of the pregnancy with Aidan (small price) Happy Ending Story xxxx :0) :D

Just got the Cheque this week and deciding whether to get a Dishwasher/slabs for patio so next year he can whizz about/Next size Car Seat for him, Decisions Decisions.

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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