hello ladies...


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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hello :wave: , some of you may (or may not!) have missed me this week (lol) but i have been off since last Wednesday, i have had such a week i can tell you. TTC has been the last thing on my mind!!

first of all, i started with tonsilitus and so have been off work since last Wednesday, it was the most horrendus(spel?) thing ever, i couldlnt swallow, when i got up i felt really dizzy i had to lay back down again, god it was awful, the only good thing about it was that i got to watch jeremy Kyle :lol:

anyway, Saturday me and mum went to Meadowhall as i had perked up a bit, only for DF's mum to telephone me and tell me he has got a letter through at home for a speeding fine, which now means he is going to get banned because he hasnt been driving 2 years yet and so only had 6 points to play with and he has already had one speeding fine, which tooks 3 points, so now he is gonna get banned, so i havent had such a good week last week...

...but things are on the up (hopefully) - looks like DF is gonna stay in army for a few more years, but we are gonna try and look for a house soon and the Army have told him they will give us £9,000 for a deposit :D

anyway, nuff about me, how are you all?? any BFP's yet???

how are ya rachie hun??

:hug: :hug: :hug: :D
Hey you we missed ya hun :hug:

Glad your feeling better!

Not much news apart from I am waiting to see if my temps stay above my coverline the next few days! :pray:
Sounds like a pretty busy week! Its always noticed when peope are away so glad you are back!
Are you feeling better today and back to work? Weekend was pretty quiet for us - nothing interesting really. My brother and Sister-in-law (SIL) got results bac about theire baby - they were having tests for downs syndrome but all came back clear so been very thankful about that. They also found out that it is going to be a boy which my brother is really pleased about - SIL not so much, she was convinced she was having a girl!

Good news about the Army and the housing - hope you have a good day
oohh fingers crossed hun!! seen you are a new mod - congrats hunn! :D

glad someone missed me :lol: :hug:
course we missed ya hun, not the same here in TTC without you!!!!
tots hope said:
Sounds like a pretty busy week! Its always noticed when peope are away so glad you are back!
Are you feeling better today and back to work? Weekend was pretty quiet for us - nothing interesting really. My brother and Sister-in-law (SIL) got results bac about theire baby - they were having tests for downs syndrome but all came back clear so been very thankful about that. They also found out that it is going to be a boy which my brother is really pleased about - SIL not so much, she was convinced she was having a girl!

Good news about the Army and the housing - hope you have a good day

yeah im feeling alot better - and to top that off, just come back to work and my mate has told me that all the solicitors/secretaries on the top floor are all pulling together to try and get me on their floor to train as a full time secretary - and she says its most likely to happen :cheer:

thats great news about your brother hun - bet your so pleased :D :hug:
Looks like things are going well for you - lets just hope that this month its the BFP to top things off! Hope the day gets better and better for you!!!!! :wave:
Hi Miss G :wave: .... nice to see you.. I havent checked the forum much this week, i also have had a week to remember.....

I stepped in front of a stationary car on wednesday, which then started to pull out taking me for a nice ride on the bonnet..... i also got a speeding ticket and then on sunday scraped my car against a wall helping my friend move house....

on the plus side did get some b'ding in but I have absolutely no idea when I ov so doubt this month will be the one.... having said that taking a relaxed approach has meant the b'dg has been more fun! TMI sorry)...

i am planning my holiday with my friend in April so am actually not too bothered if i dont catch this month and OH is disappearing off to thailand on 2nd April (without me boo hoo) for 3 weeks with his brother....

looks like there's a lot of new faces on here so will spend some time catching up with the posts this week...
awww rachie looks like you had the week from hell like me! :hug:

yeah we got lots of BD'ing this weekend - suprised tbh as for the last few months i havent really beed that bothered about it, just did it as i wanted to get PG - but this weekend i have really enjoyed it and have felt really good this weekend!!(sorry if tmi lol)

you never know rachie - they say the relaxed approach is usually the way - fingers crossed hun - :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
for you too :pray:

good news about your job though, its always nice to be wanted
yeah at the moment it doesnt feel like i am wanted but my mate says there are so many people who are wanting me up there - so!! fingers crossed!!!

i still want a baby more than anything though and this certainly will not stop me!!lol :lol:

good luck rachie for this month and lets hope its our month

and good luck everyone else trying this month

sending lots and lots of baby dust :hug: :hug: :D
it will happen for you hun... i know it will..... in the meantime enjoy the feeling of being wanted and the b'ding of course!!!


Yep we all missed ya!

Looks liek you had good week, Brilliant news about deposit for house thou that help ya loads im sure

Af just gone waiting for ovulation now friday week.

hi Claire hun :wave: - not sure when im gonna test tbh - i have only bd'd a few days this month and feel no change at all so more than likely it will be a BFN - i think its around the end-ish of the month (around 24th onwards(i think!)) when i come on so possibly test at end of month - as long as AF stays away but not to hopeful this month - i just wanna take it easy and let it run its course, it will happen when its good and ready and me stressing over it isnt gonna do any good or make it happen quicker!!

hope your ok hunn :hug:

mum to be - hi sweedie :wave: :pray: ing for you this month chick

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi MissG :wave: Forum hasn't been the same without you hun, you have been missed :D Sorry you had a bit of an ill week last week :( But great news about the deposit for the house :D

I don't think there has been any BFPs since you've been gone. I'm not going to test until the end of the month if AF doesn't arrive. I'm not feeling particulary pregnant this month (not that I've ever been, so I have no idea really how that's meant to feel). I do want to POAS as I haven't done it before though :lol:

Got to sign on at the Jobcentre this week and start looking for work properly as my contract ended last week :( I really hope you get your secretary training, it's great that your other colleagues are getting together on your behalf so good luck with that :D
awww thanks Mildly - me and you will possibly be testing together then at the end of this month! but its the same for me this month, i dont feel 'pregnant' at all - i mean for past 2 months i have felt 'symtpoms' :roll: but not this month - dont know whether that is a good or a bad thing lol

just have to wait and see ehh hun?

well im just glad to be back - iv missed you all lol :D :hug:
Hey Miss G nice to see you again sweety! :wave: Im hoping that this will be my month this time only 9 days til testing and also i havent been thinking of it at all and i feel so much more relaxed so we will see!!! :dance: Good luck to you though sweety im keeping my fingers crossed for you babe!!! -xxx- :pray:
Hi Honey, what do you do at work to be allowed time to go on the internet? That is a cool job!!

I wish I could check this forum before 9.30pm, it takes me AGES to read everything and reply!!! :D

I missed you!!!! :hug: Glad you are back and feeling better. It is great news about the house too!!

BFPs have been very very quiet of late, we all need to get BDing like rabbits!!!!!!

Keep at it and fingers crossed for the end of the month! :pray:
hey Flossy hun :wave: good luck i have my fingers crossed that this is your month - seems alot of us are taking the 'forget and relax' mode this month, hope its gonna work for us all!! :pray: :hug: keep us posted chick!!

awww thanks HappyBunny - missed ya all too, i was going out of my head not being able to get on here :lol:

im a receptionist/secretary - but when there is no typing to do i just lounge about on here all day long :lol: great isnt it? :D

keeping my fingers crossed for you too hunny this month - good luck babe! :hug: :pray: :hug:

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