Hello Ladies - How are we all doing?

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Have a great evening!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
Happy birthday LMP :dance:

I'm fine, symptom spotting lol cm and twinges. only day 19/20 :)
:cheer: :dance: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :cheer: :dance:
Sorry to hear your cycle is still dragging on!
I hope AF gets you soon (Don't think I've ever posted THAT on here before)!
Best of luck to everyone.
So Little Miss Pink - what did you get up to for your birthday then?
Morning All

How we all doing today? I had a lovely Birthday Evening Thanks for all your best wishes. The whole family decended at my parents house and mum put on a lovely spread as they do!! And iwe had a great night. OH has booked us into Rockafella's Restaurant this weekend too so that something to look forward too.

So how are all of you today?

KatyK - hos the symptom spotting going - :pray: :pray: Have you picked a testing day?

Jenna - Has AF got you yet? I'm still cramping and hungry all the time so i'm hoping she's just about to arrive but i've been cramping and starving for week so maybe she's just going to keep me waiting.

I've booked to go and see the doctors to try my luck so i'm feeling a little more positive apart from OH had a moment last night which made me feel bad..... I've told him whats going on this cycle but i don't think he fully understands because last night my tummy was a little swollen and he knows its ages since AF's last visit and when i said Af is taking forever to come and my tummy is swollen he got all excited and said OH do you think you could be preggers (his face was so excited) and i felt so horrible to have to say "EErrrmm no i haven't even ovulated remember......." he lucked gutted but apart from that i'm fine....

What about everyone else.... how you doing today......

Bex :D
well i went to the doctors and she said i was right to be concerned about all of my symptoms (which was a relief as i was scared i was over reacting) and they are going to run various tests to check what my hormones are up to and hopefully find out why i'm not ovulating.

I've got to have a blood test when AF FINALLY shows up and another in the second stage of my cycle along with internal examinations etc so fingers crossed they get to the bottom of it.

Next cycle I'm going to try agnus castus too to see if that helps at all.

Hows everyone else doing??

Bex :D
Little miss pink said:
Jenna - Has AF got you yet? I'm still cramping and hungry all the time so i'm hoping she's just about to arrive but i've been cramping and starving for week so maybe she's just going to keep me waiting.

I've booked to go and see the doctors to try my luck so i'm feeling a little more positive apart from OH had a moment last night which made me feel bad..... I've told him whats going on this cycle but i don't think he fully understands because last night my tummy was a little swollen and he knows its ages since AF's last visit and when i said Af is taking forever to come and my tummy is swollen he got all excited and said OH do you think you could be preggers (his face was so excited) and i felt so horrible to have to say "EErrrmm no i haven't even ovulated remember......." he lucked gutted but apart from that i'm fine....

:hug: :hug: aww hun.

Nope no AF yet, had a bit of pink discharge this morning and thought it was start of AF but had nothing this afternoon :( getting really fed up. I thought i ovulated about 3/4 weeks ago (i were charting my temps then) but now im thnking that maybe i didnt and maybe i havnt ovulated at all this month. :( feeling quite down today really.
I am sitting here at work goin crazy! I can't concentrate. I'm do to start on Sunday....I think. I've had lots of symptoms, but this is my first proper cycle after miscarriage and I'm not sure if they are pregnancy symtoms, if its all in my head, or if AF is just on her way. :wall: I know I probably only have to wait a couple of days to find out, but its driving me crazy! I really need to get some work done today too.
Hi Jenna

I was wondering if AF had turned up for you yet!! She's given us both the runaround isn't she! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: you must be well into the 50+ days now

:hug: :hug: :hug: Sounds like there's a few people feeling down today, but try not to let it get you down to much (i know easier said than done) the good thing is you've managed to conceive in the past so you must be ovulating its just the frustrating mother nature game of figuring out when and how often. Maybe now your charting you'll get some answers, thats how i found out i wasn't having a temp shift on my longer cycles. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Did you say on an earlier post the docs where going to look into things for you? I really hope you get some answers soon because i know how bad i'm feeling and i'm only at the start of all of this so you must be feeling really frustrated with it all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: .

Take care hun and hears hoping af visits us this weekend (never thought i'd say that to you on here!)

Bex :D
Kimberly said:
I am sitting here at work goin crazy! I can't concentrate. I'm do to start on Sunday....I think. I've had lots of symptoms, but this is my first proper cycle after miscarriage and I'm not sure if they are pregnancy symtoms, if its all in my head, or if AF is just on her way. :wall: I know I probably only have to wait a couple of days to find out, but its driving me crazy! I really need to get some work done today too.

God the waiting must be a nightmare, the days always drag when your waiting :wall: :wall: :wall: But it will all seem worth it when you/we see the BFP!!!! - what symptoms have you been getting?

Bex :D
the midwife at the hospital said i could if i really wanted so im going to see my doctor when AF arrives. Hope she gets us both this week end :hug: Im on CD54 today :( normally i would love to not have a period but since i know im not pregnant and im constantly wearing a pad just incase its awful. ahhh i wish i apreciated 28day cycles when i had them :roll:

I know its a nightmare isn't it! Mind you you made me laugh the other day when you called it "wearing a mattress in my knickers" :rotfl: i PMSL because thats exactly what it feels like!

I tell you what if she doesn't turn up this weekend i'm gonna send out a search party for her cos this is just ridiculous! :roll: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

DH said it and its just caught on. When i 1st started living with him he came out the bath room holding one and said 'What the hells this?' so i told him and he said 'its horrid' so i said 'try wearin one!!' so he did :rotfl: he lasted 10mins and said 'F**k this its like having a mattress in ya pants' :rotfl: :rotfl:

Guys! they dont know the half of it! :rotfl:
God the waiting must be a nightmare, the days always drag when your waiting :wall: :wall: :wall: But it will all seem worth it when you/we see the BFP!!!! - what symptoms have you been getting?
Bex :D[/quote]

I've had nausea, constipation, creamy cm, increased sense of smell (only a couple of days last week), and cramping. A lot of the same symptoms I was having when I was pregnant. I'm trying really hard not to read to much into it as I know your body does funny stuff after a miscarriage. The cramping seems worse today, so maybe that means she is on her way.
I am totally being given the run around with my cycle!! Had a 5 day period... and then 3 days after that got light spotting... got cramping all the time & sore breasts.... dont know if i am coming or going!!!! :(
freepie said:
I am totally being given the run around with my cycle!! Had a 5 day period... and then 3 days after that got light spotting... got cramping all the time & sore breasts.... dont know if i am coming or going!!!! :(
it could just be your body settleing down after coming off pill? :hug:

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