Hello...is this normal??


Mar 24, 2011
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Hello, i have recently found out I am pregnant and we think about 6 weeks 5 days (ish!). Im feeling tired and my boobs are sore but other than that I feel perfectly normal and its worrying me! I know im probably being silly but even some sickness would put my mind at rest! has anyone else felt like this??

Until about 7-8 weeks my only symptom was really sore boobs
Some people sail through with no symptoms, you might find you start to feel sick in another week or so, my worst week was week 7!
Thanks so much, makes me feel better and stops me worrying! No doubt i will regret saying that a bit of sickness would make me feel better!:shakehead:
hi and congrats my only symptoms are being exhusted and sore boobs and some days they arent even that sore. so what u r feeling is perfectly normal !!! make the most of it cos there is still time for nausea to start !!! xx
hi and congrats my only symptoms are being exhusted and sore boobs and some days they arent even that sore. so what u r feeling is perfectly normal !!! make the most of it cos there is still time for nausea to start !!! xx

This is exactly the same as me, some nights im waking up in agony and cant move because they are so sore and other days they aren't nearly half as bad! Im pleased im not the only one like this!I think I need to stop worrting or its going to be a very long 7 months!:)
hey congratulations! :)

I also had no symptoms until about week 6. And then it suddenly started. And believe me it wasn't very nice, so enjoy your 'normal' time while you can ;)
Congratulations on being pregnant.

I'm the same as some of the other ladies, my only symptom was sore boobs until 7wks and then the sickness started.
Providing all is ok with you, sit back and enjoy your "non" symptom time. I fine up to week 6 and then i started to get really bad sickness. everyone is different but if your not ill or symptom free then enjoy xx

Happy healthy 9 months ahead xx
Congratulations and welcome!!

My early symptoms were sore boobs and sleeping all the time. I've not had anything other than a little bit of heartburn since. I'm now nearly 13 weeks so i'm hoping i've managed to be one of the lucky ones :D xxxx
Congratulations! I also havent had many symptoms, just major tiredness, ridiculous hunger and some seriously sore boobs!! Feel very lucky not to have suffered with sickness, although have porked out an awful lot!! x

I had no symptoms apart from the odd morning of feeling sick. Today, at 8 weeks, I had my first real morning sickness which was horrible. I wouldn't be too concerned as I do believe everyone's experience varies. I didn't believe I was pregnant until I had an early scan at 6 weeks + 3 days because of pain, that was when I saw the embryo + HB! This is my first pregnancy and I worry everything and anything. You really need to have faith in your body!

All the best of luck to you lovely!

Thank you so much for all of your replies, I didnt expect so many! Thank you!

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