Hello I'm new with questions


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
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Hello ladies who are waiting to try :wave:

I am waiting to try for my first, hopefully start trying end of this year beginning of next. My partner already has two children from his previous marriage, and whilst he says he would love one with me, they are a big reason for the long wait.

I have been lurking on here for a little while now and read many of the threads, but have some specific questions I was hoping to get some outside input on...

I recently stopped taking the pill as it wasn't agreeing with me. I know it would be good to have it out of my system for a while before we start trying, but as that's a while away yet, I'm not sure whether to just change the pill I'm on, or to stay off it and focus on getting fit and ready for what the future hopefully holds.

If I don't go back to taking the pill, do any of you use natural methods of contraception? E:G only dtd on 'safe' days, or is there any methods of contraception that doesn't involve synthetic hormones? Condoms and such are a last resort option for us as I have bad skin reactions to them and (apologies for tmi here) my partner suffers as he is on the larger scale down there and has previously suffered awful bruising to his man parts from them.
So if anyone has any experience or knowledge on natural contraceptive methods I would love to hear from you.

I would also like to say thank you for having me, good luck to those hoping to try soon, and to the ladies who have a long wait like me, happy to be aboard! Hope the year goes quickly!
Me and hubby used a combination of "safe" days and withdrawal method and its always worked well for us. It;s not supposed to be 100% but as I react to different hormones I have a pretty good idea what my cycle is doing and we have only conceived whilst trying.
Apparently the coil is a good option. My friend got pregnant within 3 months once it was removed. xxx
Sorry to nose in madsticks (I love the name BTW), I don't know much about natural contraception but I wason the minipill before my pregnancy and as soon as I came off it I was pregnant within 2 weeks as it clears from the system fast. I am on this again as I wouldn't want to wait long once we are ready again. I hope you find the right way for you.
I was on cerezette which is a mini pill too and whenever I've stopped it in the past its gone out my system pretty fast.

A method of safe days and withdrawal worked for me before, obviously it's not as reliable as other methods!
Sorry to change the topic but KatR which pill were you on? I've come off cerezette in december and normally it takes at least a month to get my cycle back then I'm fine but I've been getting more symptoms than usual and faint BFP's on tests, but couldn't see how I could be pregnant so fast! Now I know its possible haha
Thanks KatR :)

I had heard that the mini pill gets out of your system quite fast, but it's the synthetic hormones in general that disagree with me.

I was previously on Yasmin which I have since found out is a bit of a horror pill with regards to messing up your natural hormones anf generally making quite a lot of people very unwell, so definitely steerjng clear of that again!

I think we're just going to try safe days and withdrawal, but it's difficult to gauge what are the 'safe' days atm as I don't know how long this will take to get back to normal.
Yeah my friend used Yasmin and it made her so ill and totally messed her cycle up!

Yeah, maybe use some OPKs to see if your going to ovulate? Or use withdrawal until your back in a regular cycle xx
I did think about OPKs, but worried if I start buying things like that OH will freak out and think I'm jumping the gun a bit!

Apologies for hideous spelling mistakes, typing on my phone and it's autopredict is awful!

Yeah, withdrawal is probably the best bet I reckon. I was hoping to be able to monitor it a bit, downloaded an app and everything to track it, but until I actually get my first proper cycle I can't really second guess anything and judging by what I've researched about Yasmin it could take a fair while. Maybe save opks for when OH gets fed up of having to pull out all the time ;)
Sorry to change the topic but KatR which pill were you on? I've come off cerezette in december and normally it takes at least a month to get my cycle back then I'm fine but I've been getting more symptoms than usual and faint BFP's on tests, but couldn't see how I could be pregnant so fast! Now I know its possible haha

Hi millielaura, my minipill is called Micronor. Oh yes it is possible to be BFP very fast. :dance:
yay thats good! :) been getting symotoms but since tuesday just been getting faint lines on ic and frers so not sure whats going on!

Just from my own experience, I was on Microgynon for years then when we decided to try for baby 1 I stopped taking the pill and two weeks later I was pregnant. It happened on my very first cycle off the pill so didn't have to wait for it to leave my system or anything (in fact I wondered if that's why I got preggers so quickly? Surge of hormones after the pill had stopped?? Just a guess tho). I do appreciate that might not occur normally and felt really lucky. I'm WTT for baby 2 until Jan 2015.. and have stopped the pill this time so it might be different this time round.

Good luck!

Stace x

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