Hello girls!!!!

aha its donation day isnt it? :cheer: woooo.

I think i ovulated this week end. Im dead happy. Might be going away to cornwall for our anniversary too. So tired today and im scared about my dentist apointment this afternoon, its the 1st time i have to pay. :(
Glad you getting back to a normal cycle again Jenna - dentists are horrible but better that than an abcess or summit - tho i was going to the dentist regularly and got one :roll:

We're going to Cornwall or Devon in August - not making any plans just going to wait and see what the weather is. If it's still bad we'll stay in Plymouth and go out and visit places each day - if its nicer we'll stay in Cornwall :D
me might be going late august early september. Going to Yarmouth in 2/3 weeks for a couple of days. :cheer:

My dentist is weird. He puts my head on his belly :o lol. Its going to cost me a fortune, its £16 just to look in my mouth!! :shock:
Ooo err mrs jenna, he sounds a bit freaky :shock:

Good luck with the donation libs :pray:

jemz has AF shown up yet?
my dentist is gorgeous - I would pay just to put my head on his belly :oops: :rotfl:
libs said:
my dentist is gorgeous - I would pay just to put my head on his belly :oops: :rotfl:


Mine's in his 50's, not very attractive and very moody lol. I dont even get a sticker or lolly pop anymore :rotfl:
mornin girls.

good luck libs :hug:

AF still not arrived skairdy. but tested this mornin with a poundland test got a grey line within seconds but no pink in it :(

only symptoms ive got atm is crampin huge tender boobs, even my bras have gone tight, its really bothering me.
Ooooo a grey line? And is the control line pink? Maybe it was a dodgy test.

Maybe use a CB digital in a few days hun. Good luck :pray:
yer the contol line was pink, and i could see a grey line, hope it might be a dodgy one will test in a few days.
Good luck Jemz! I hope it's not a faulty test.

We're going to Cornwall or Devon in August - not making any plans just going to wait and see what the weather is. If it's still bad we'll stay in Plymouth and go out and visit places each day - if its nicer we'll stay in Cornwall

Plymouth is my home town. I miss it, especially the warm weather and having the beach so close. Aberdeen has a beach but it's too cold to use it :wall:
I love Plymouth :D
Dh worked there for ages when the Tamar (?) bridge was being repaired and we have a particular phone box near the Hoe where he used to call me each night :oops: (before the days of mobiles :D ) and I love the Aquarium and there used to be a little craft shop near there which has gone now - I used to spend a fortune in there :oops:
muppetmummy said:
Good luck Jemz! I hope it's not a faulty test.

i think u ment to say hope its a faulty one lol otherwise u glad its a bfn :( :rotfl:
Does any one else feel like there waiting for xmas or something like that? like something really exciting but its that exciting that the wait is making them feel quite depressed? I know it probably sounds selfish because iv been pregnant before but i dont have kids and i feel like its so exciting but so depressing :( im so inpatient and this feels like its taking forever. Its so unfair seeing people who take there kids for granted and its all i want and its all we go on and on about and its just not happening at all. I could be well on my way to having baby number 2 by now :( .

:doh: I know i moan about it all the time but just needed to rant sorry.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

It really makes me mad when I see people who have a tribe of kids following them who just shouldn't be allowed to breed, And then I come on here and there's ladies who have been trying for ages and don't get PG or have miscarriages. It just is so wrong :x
:( my aunty with the 6 kids, shes so awful i cant believe how easily she gets pregnant. My uncle said theyve only had sex 6 times since theyve been married (no lie). She never baths them, they go to school stinking and they get sent home there that bad. She has a full meal and makes them share a normal kids type meal. None of them can read and write (even my cousin thats about 13 now). She was told her youngest would have speaking difficulties but she wasnt interested in sending him for tests or to speacial classes because its too much effort. In the end she passed him on to us and we helped raised him. His 1st work was my mums name, i would be devistated if that happend to my child!! She wasnt even happy that he said a word.
She never engages in conversation with them, its always shouting and she only does that when she wants them to do something for her. She never plays with them or anything. There lovely kids aswell its so selfish to have kids and treat them like that. I dont know why people have let her get away with it. My aunty has reported her to the NSPCC and they werent interested. It make me sick seeing them, they dont deserve kids like them either of them. And how many other people do that to there kids?

Its so unfair. :cry:
Theres a little girl in the Reception class I work in that always comes to school in creased up clothes. And I don't mean a little bit creased but like they've been in a ball for ages then just thrown on her. The t-shirts are grey were they're meant to be white. She looks like she hasn't had bath in ages. I feel so sorry for her because she is such a lovely little girl and clever too, but I just know she'll end up like her mother unless something is done :( . She has older sisters in school tooo and her mother has just had another baby who she apparently didn't even know she was carrying :shock: . I rememeber one time this little girl came to school in wet clothes, just out of the washer, and had had no breakfast so we had to put her in some spare clothes and use the dryer in the nursery and make her some toast. The social sevices ar working with her mother but it's obviously not working is it?
aww thats awful! my aunty doesnt even wash the kids clothes. They wear the same clothes day in day out for months then are just chucked away. My cousin sleeps on a bag of clothes that are in a bin liner and the boys share 1 bed. Her house is also infested with rats/mice and the council sent a guy out to kill them but she wouldnt let him in because she thought it was cruel to the mice!!! :shock:
I just cant believe how cruel people can be to there own children. If i had difficulties with my 1st i wouldnt have another until it was sorted. When they had baby number 1 they didnt take any interest in him at all. What go on to have another 5 :x . She doesnt work so she has no excuse to not spend time with them/wash them/tidy up. Im ashamed that where related, if i see them in the street i try to hide :oops:
It's as if they don't understand the concept of using contratception isn't it? I think they should be forced to have the injection or implant because they can't be trusted to take the pill everyday.

But that will be going against their human rights I guess :roll: ........what about the kids rights to have a great life? :x
She told every one that she was going to have her tubes tied (forgot the proper name) but she had a c section and the surgeon said it wasnt possible (which is a load of poo because my other aunty had the same thing and had it done).
If people can look after the kids i dont see a problem with having a big family. My dad has 5 brothers and sisters and my mum has 3 brothers and sisters and they had a great childhood. But if you arnt a 'baby person' you'd think youd look into contraception! :shakehead:

It makes me more angry that its taking us forever to have kids. Its so unfair. my dad always says that i should be proud to be me and not her and that people like her get no where in life and no one wants to know them. Which was fine before TTC. But shes got everything i want. All i want is a baby and it drives me up the wall that shes so selfish :evil:. Like i said, there lovely kids and when i see them i just want to take them home. So i try to avoid them now :(

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