Hello everyone


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2006
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Hello everyone TTC. I'm new. I've been reading about you all since March, but have only decided to join today as I'm going a little nuts (partly the reason I chose the login peanut :think: ).

My story - I'll try not to waffle on for too long - DH and I decided to TTC this year on our holiday back in January. Got pregnant straight away which was a complete shock to me (not him though...obviously had super strength sperm and always knew this would be the case :rotfl:) ! I'm 31, he's 33.
Unfortunately at 10 weeks I had MC - also a complete shock...you never think this sort of thing will happen to you.... Anyway, we had a rest and licked our wounds and now we're trying again. DH was fabulous - proved himself to be a wonderful husband.

Mostly I'm ok and find it quite exciting to be trying, to be thinking about it, to be reading this forum. Today I'm having a nightmare. Feeling very tearful, want to go home, can't stop wishing I was PG again already, I just know AF is on it's way - this is why I feel so shabby. Had road rage every couple of miles on way to work! Classic sign of AF mood swing! But I must stay at work and be good - I have one of those jobs where I can't really just leave. I haven't got anyone to talk to here, only one friend actually knows about TTC and MC. I can't call her every 5 mins. She's been TTC for 2 years, so I feel a bit awful whining to her anyway - after all I've been PG, she hasn't... So I'm giving her a rest today and you lot are getting it instead. Hope you've all got a really looooooong attention span or you've already gone for a cup of tea.

I'm already feeling better just for having ranted for a bit. Thanks for listening girls.

Peanut xx
hi peanut.
firstly welcome to the forum.
I have no advice really as im in same position, i had m/c in april at 14wks an we have been tryin since, this month is the 1st month where we have decided to calm down a bit. i was like u every month before AF was due.
im woffling now.
hope u enjoy ur time on here an i hope u get ur BFP soon
Hi Peanut,
i feel the same as you about my day to day life!!!
and i haven't really got anyone to talk to apart from the girls on here cos all my friends have got kids now!

Welcome to the forum, loving the name!!!

Hi Peanut :wave:

Glad you've decided to join us, the more the merrier.

I think most of us are in the same situation so it's nice being able to talk about it to people that understand.

Welcome peanut

I'm sorry about your mc. Good luck in ttc'ing. Hope AF stays away this month, you never know... :wink:

hi hun and welcome sorry to hear about your m/c and good luck with ttc rant away we will all listen if not join you :rotfl:
tee hee! Thanks for the welcome all.

Do you like the peanut image I found for my avatar? So dinky!
Hi Peanut :wave:

I'm going a little nuts (partly the reason I chose the login peanut :think: )
:rotfl: Got to say the name & the little nut as your piccie gave me a giggle!

My story - I'll try not to waffle on for too long
Why not? I typed a book out when I joined :rotfl:

Got pregnant straight away which was a complete shock to me (not him though...obviously had super strength sperm and always knew this would be the case :rotfl:) !
I have this super sperm problem at home too! He drives me mad with it :doh:

I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage - Alot of us can relate to your pain & an ear (or eye) when you need one :hug:

The craving for TTC & succeeding can become very stressful I think they key is staying positive (don't often take my own advise) & relaxing & knowing everytime you get that NEED to be pregnant now or envy of a stranger w ith her bump or baby that you WILL be there soon just some of us have a long path to walk down.

x x
Wobbles said:
The craving for TTC & succeeding can become very stressful I think they key is staying positive (don't often take my own advise) & relaxing & knowing everytime you get that NEED to be pregnant now or envy of a stranger w ith her bump or baby that you WILL be there soon just some of us have a long path to walk down.

x x

I like this advice Wobbles!!


Welcome hope you like it here and good luck with getting pregnant were here if you need us. :D
Hi peanut :wave:

(My nephew calls everyone peanut, so I had to laugh :D )

Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear of your loss hun :hug:

Wishing you the best of luck with ttc and hoping you get your BFP very soon! xx
Good luck honey welcome to the peestickaholics group therapy lol
HayleyB said:
Wobbles said:
The craving for TTC & succeeding can become very stressful I think they key is staying positive (don't often take my own advise) & relaxing & knowing everytime you get that NEED to be pregnant now or envy of a stranger w ith her bump or baby that you WILL be there soon just some of us have a long path to walk down.

x x

I like this advice Wobbles!!


Me too! Thanks everyone for such a lovely welcome. xx

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