Heavy bleeding day 4 of miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2013
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Apologies in advance if tmi......
I had medical management of miscarriage on Saturday. The heavy bleeding and clots seemed to stop after 6/7 hours, and I've just had normal period like bleeding since. Until this afternoon......I've been out this morning (popped in to work so sat down most of the time, less active than if I was home!) since being home I have soaked (I mean totally soaked, through to my knickers a couple of times) 6 maternity pads in an hour and a half. I can feel the blood pouring out, feels like I'm weeing but it's just pure blood :-/ there's loads of big clots in it too. I'm also really crampy and achey, much more than I was when it was all started off on Saturday. It feels like this is too much blood to be losing at this stage, particularly as it had most stopped. I have no idea if this normal or if should I ring EPAS?
I would call EPAS if you are at all worried, especially if you think it is like you experienced on day 1.
You shouldn't be soaking through 6 pads in hour and half hun, I would call the EPU And see what they advise. When I had my mc I had heavy bleeding for quite a few days but was told to call hospital if I got through more than one pad every half hour - hourx
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Definitely call them Hun, did they scan you to check all was clear? If you are still clotting there is a chance there could be pregnancy tissue in there, if left untreated and it doesn't disperse itself could cause infection x
Definitely hospital
Youre losing too much blood
If you get pale or dizzy phone 999 straight away
You should be bleeding but not that much
You might need your uterus scraped a bit so get it to stop x
My medical management failed btw and 2 weeks later needed an erpc anyway x
No. I tell a lie. I tried passing naturally then had the MM on the Saturday and went back to hospital on the Tuesday for the ERPC and got home Thursday
Thanks for all your replies. I rang the EPAS and they didn't seem too concerned. I got my mil over to help with my son just in case it got any worse. It carried on that heavy for a few hours but has eventually worn off, the pain has stopped now too thank goodness. The bleeding is almost back to what it was this morning, just like a normal period. I will definitely keep an eye on it over the next few days and call back if it gets worse again.
It was all so scary, I wasn't expecting that much bleeding and pain after 4 days, when the first day (which I expected to be the worst) was so manageable.

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