
Heartburn has become the bane of my life :( I saw the midwife and she prescribed that Peptid stuff, to be totally honest I couldnt even get the stuff out of the bottle and it looked so much like semen that when I tried to take it I gagged :puke: ). I complained and they told me they no longer prescribed gaviscon as it was so much more expensive (so much for us preg ladies having the perks of free prescriptions). Anyway I ended up buying my own gaviscon tablets and medicine. The tablets made me gag but the medicine is actually quite nice. I also try and drink a bit of milk but not too much as I'm really afraid thats what made my dd such a big baby last time and caused me problems with labour (daft I know but I'd give anything for a nice 7lber). I also tryand make sure I dont eat too near bedtime as lying down makes it worse. Hope you start to get some relief soon hun :hug:
hmmm yup indigestion has got me as well, nothing quite like an acid burp!!!! most of the time I just feel like I'm going to barf :shock: . Still I hope it's just another sign of things to come!!! Roll on baba......
ooo ive had heartburn since yesterday and its not going ! its driving me nuts :cry:
I've suffered for months because I have to lay down most of the day because of my back and SPD. :( It wakes me in the night and sometimes I am sick with it. My doctor prescribed me Gastrocote tablets which taste a bit like butterscotch, and I drink 4 pints of milk a day, but I still get it. :(

I had it when I was pg with my daughter (although not as bad), and she was bald, but on my scan last Wednesday, the sonographer showed us over an inch of hair on this LO's head! :shock: :lol:
4 pints of milk a day! :shock: That baby is going to have very strong bones!!
ive been drinking about 3 pints a day and it dont really help!

im going to get somew gavascon today
If you're buying your own get the ultra thick stuff.

have to shake it out the bottle but it works a treat! :D

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