heart scans :-)


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2011
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finally went in today for leos heart scan to check if hes got the same problem as i had (hole in my heart) when i was born and hes perfectly fine :dance::dance::dance:they said what i had is hard to detect but he looks perfectly normal for how far ive gone. also whilst she was doing the scan she asked if i knew and i said yes a little boy but then i made a joke saying at least i hope it is with the amount of blue stuff i bought (plus i saw that program last night on mixed genders) and she checked and was like no doubt hes a boy and hes got loads of hair and is head down. she also doesnt think hes going to move.

also before she did his heart scan she asked me if ive had mine yet and i told her about all the mix ups so she rang the cardiologist who deals with preg women who have/had heart problems and he could see me as someone didnt turn up for thier appt. turns out my heart looks ok, the murmurs there because the pressure of the blood has got faster towards my lungs. but thats normal for pregnancy and my condition. have to say was a bit embarrasing during the scan. had to take everything off and he had to keep moving my breasts to go under them. so glad oh was there. dont even like changing in front of girls in gym let alone have some doc scannign me with my breasts out :-s x
thanks hun. im so happy.i cant wait till hes here :) xx
Amazing news! I was terrified when we had LOs heart scan! It's amazing what they can tell!!

Like I said on FB hun, FANTASTIC NEWS!!! :pompom: :dust: :yay: So happy for you :hug:
Great news indeed what a relief for you and your OH xx
thanx girls, and i know pinky. i was so panicky all the way there.plus cant imagine going through what my parents went through with me, i would hate that, plus wouldnt want him going through major heart surgery at such a young age. only thing is have to go through all this with every pregnancy i have :-( xxx

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