Heart Problems?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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I've had a pumbping sensation in my chest every 30 seconds where my heart is, it's like my heartbeat goes funny, it used to happen b4 i was pregnant but ignored it and it went away. Anyway, it's been happening for a couple months now so finally managed to get my arse to the docs who reckoned it was a murmer but said he would give me an ECG (where you get hooked up to a machine and they check out your heartbeat etc). Goes in the next day and it turns out i've got an abnormal heartbeat! He said not to worry, it's fine (it's called and ectopic heartbeat, it skips beats) but that apparently it can get worse when your pregnant so they need to keep monitoring me so i'm going back in two weeks. They also said i will need to let me midwife know.

The nurse was trying to make me not worry and to be honest i'm not too worried as did have a quick look on internet and apparently it's quite common, But i dont know much about it in pregnancy, why does midwife need to know, will it effect me giving birth? Im seeing the midwife in two weeks also sp can ask about it then but just wondered if anyone else had this or know much about it on the off chance!

Thanks for listening.

Sam x
:hug: :hug: sorry to hear of your heart problems, however it's not to worry, basicly when your pregnant your blood flows like 50% more and as long as your monitored there shouldn't be a problem, i have a heart problem where i have artificial valves in one of my ventricals which needs to be monitored every month while pregnant and i have had 2 suscessfull pregnancies already (my children don't have any heart problems) and am now 20 weeks with my 3rd, i wouldn't worry too much hun it'll just mean you'll get monotored a bit more while pregnant :D :D
Thank you Anna that's really reassuring. xx :hug: :hug:
that's ok any time hun just pm me if you want any advise or anything :D
Hi Sam

I also have an irregular heartbeat.......and ended up seeing a heart specialist some years ago. It turns out my heart is very healthy, but occassionally it skips the odd beat, or quickens up a little - and is absolutely no reason for concern!

It has definitely become worse during my pregnancy, and almost feels like Im having an anxiety attack even when Im not feeling anxious...!

Apparently a lot of women get the problem in pregnancy, regardless of whether they had it before - especially as your blood increases so dramatically, so there is more to pump around.

Hope that helps :hug:

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