heard the heartbeat! :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2012
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pointless thread really but i had midwife today for a check up and she went to look for the heartbeat of baby and she found it! :dance: and since then ive felt really happy all day! and to make things better the midwife has put me back to my original due date :D yay :) so instead of being 15+3 im 16weeks :) she even checked my tummy and said it was right too :)
again sorry pointless thread but i need the outlet :) hehe :whistle:
Yay to hearing the heartbeat. It's a great sound isnt is? X
Yay to hearing bubs heart beat it is the best sound in the world, ( perhaps only second to a baby's giggle lol but that's away off yet )
sorry to be nosey but you say your midwife has changed your dates is that because you haven't had a dating scan yet, I've not heard of that before , It's ok if you don't want to answer I am rather nosey sorry again. xx
Yay to hearing bubs heart beat it is the best sound in the world, ( perhaps only second to a baby's giggle lol but that's away off yet )
sorry to be nosey but you say your midwife has changed your dates is that because you haven't had a dating scan yet, I've not heard of that before , It's ok if you don't want to answer I am rather nosey sorry again. xx

ah thats ok hun! :) basically i was told at my dating scan that i was 4 days behind my dates so since my dating scan ive been counting 4 days behind :) think it was confusion on my part she felt my tummy and said i was actually 16weeks and thats why i could hear heartbeat abd for the past week and a bit movement. :) sorry if im rambeling lol xxx
Thanks Kay, so there may be hope for me yet then , I really thought with my dates my bubs would be born this side of my birthday but at my dating scan ( I thought i was 16+4 ) they put me back to 15 weeks cause bubs will now be born after I'm 41 years old I'm now a higher risk , It sucks , I didn't know midwifes can alter your dates interesting thanks for that fingers crossed then hey .All the best xx
you might be more than likely your original dates :) my midwife said that if your measured/dated less than a week at your dating scan your date stay the same iykwim? wish they told me this at the begining lol! has your midwife felt your tummy yet apperantly they can tell by that too :) its so confusing thease dates lol but buvs will come when it wants too! its currently kicking me and wriggling around lol the little monkey hehe xxx
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Not made an appointment yet with my mw I'm waiting 'til after my 20 week scan next Tuesday .See I thought I was 14 weeks at my booking in appointment with my mw and she confirmed while feeling my tummy she agreed with my dates and even found the heart beat on the doppler, but by the dating scan I would only have been 12 weeks so it is rather confusing. Maybe my scan may shed alittle more light on what's going on. Thanks again Kay. xx
thats ok hun :) yeah ill keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully your scan will shead some light :) when is it? mines on the 10th of july :D really cant wait :) keep me updated if you want on what dates you finally have :) xxxx
mines at 3.20 pm Tuesday 26th June can't wait so excited to see bubs again , I will do , all the best xx
brilliant mel so pleased for you its a wanderfull sound the baba heartbeat such a happy sound :) and fabby u gained those few days bk hehe xxx

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