Hear the heartbeat 13 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi, I am seeing my midwife at 13 weeks, as I had an early scan at 7 weeks, the measly NHS will not offer me my 12 week scan. The midwife said she would listen in for the heartbeat. Does anyone know if you can hear it that early?

I am really freaking out now as my sister in law went for her 12 week scan and they couldnt find a heartbeat so she has lost the baby, cant believe how stingy the healthservice is, cant really afford a private one, but if the midwife is struggling to hear the heartbeat I am going to get so stressed out, especially as I feel so good at the moment and I am only 10 weeks, its scaring me, well everything is scaring me at the moment!
she shouldnt have too much of a problem finding it at 13weeks :)

make sure you have a full bladder.

thats really bad of the NHS i had a dating scan at 7weeks and have my 12week scan in january 2nd.

good luck hun
I'm hoping the mw will check when I go for my booking in appointment which is 11 or 12 weeks. I have the same terror as you that there is nothing there or the baby has died so am desparate to hear it. At 13 weeks you should be able to hear it - some people on here have heard it at week 10!

Good luck and try not to worry - I know it is so easy said and so difficult to do, but you have the same fears as everyone and most pregnancies are fine. :hug: :hug:
God the NHS can be a miser sometimes. Its especially annoying when you know all the executives are paid a bucket load....

I notice from one of your other posts that you saw the heartbeat at your early scan. I know that we all worry about the pre-12week miscarriage risk but that's mainly because thats when we have the scan and they detect any problems. I have read somewhere that your miscarriage risk actually significantly decreases at 8 weeks and it is incredidly unlikely to have any problems at a 12 week scan once a viable heatbeat has been seen at an early scan. I hope that helps put your mind at rest a little bit......

Good Luck and all the best for your MW appt.
Thanks everyone for the support, I know I have been luckier then most seeing the heartbeat at 7 weeks, but I think that over-exposure to info is a bad thing, it seems everywhere I look people have had mis/c at 10 weeks, feel like I'm wishing my life away, but I want to be 16 weeks! The M/W told me not to send off for any of the freebies in my pack until then, so that must be when you are ultra safe, cant wait for the 4th of Jan!

Merry xmas to everyone and their beans/ bumps!!
I had an internal scan at 7.5 weeks and heard both heartbeats really clearly. Not sure what a normal scan is like for sound though.
don't worry too much if M/W can't find it I was warned at 15 weeks if she tried she might not be able to find it

sounds really harsh not having a 12 weeks scan
I rent a fetal doppler and could hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks with LO so you should be able to. But don't worry if you can't hear it as everyone is different and baby might be tucked away in a corner or something.

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