Healthy Food Grant

I think they should give it in the same form as milk tokens for babies, I work in tesco and the computer will only scan these vouchers if they have spent the total in milk, formula or fruit and veg, This would be the only way to ensure they lady is eating what she should be,

They should also give her either the lump sum valid till due date or week after or just send her £20 a month
like "shopping vouchers" use for food only not alcohol n fags

i would have loved that when i was preg and living on £35 a week and also trying to pay bills with that
it wulda come in handy
beth3735 said:
I think they should give it in the same form as milk tokens for babies, I work in tesco and the computer will only scan these vouchers if they have spent the total in milk, formula or fruit and veg, This would be the only way to ensure they lady is eating what she should be,

They should also give her either the lump sum valid till due date or week after or just send her £20 a month

Thats exactly how I think they should do it too! I think they'd be pretty dumb to think everyone would use the money on healthy food!
Princess_Puddles said:
beth3735 said:
I think they should give it in the same form as milk tokens for babies, I work in tesco and the computer will only scan these vouchers if they have spent the total in milk, formula or fruit and veg, This would be the only way to ensure they lady is eating what she should be,

They should also give her either the lump sum valid till due date or week after or just send her £20 a month

Thats exactly how I think they should do it too! I think they'd be pretty dumb to think everyone would use the money on healthy food!
i completly agree
I a big waste of time if they give them to just spend on what ever they want. Its really annoyed me, espiecially as I can't even choose what kind of baby milk I can spend my healthy start tokens on, like follow on milk! But people could use them on alcohol :?
ahahahahah :rotfl: That's so British.... !!!!

Anyway, the most important time to eat healthily when your pg is the first three months where the foetus is developing all its organs. Seven months is all very well and good, but if you've been eating cr*p for those seven months eating healthily for the last 2 months isn't going to make a huge difference is it???

A system like vouchers for fruit and veg only would be much more helpful.
I think its a good idea to give money to pregnant ladies for healthy food but... Is £200 (or what ever it is) going to last 9 months? and giving most people cash isnt going to work is it? :lol:
I agree with all that...but it got me mad yesterday when a 'upper class' woman on TV was being asked what she thought about it..

She was like 'Well if you give it young mothers, they are just going to spend it on alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and clothes' :x :x :x

I know to an extent its true..but she shouldnt of labelled it 'young mothers'...a 30 year old could still do that...

O I would love to meet that woman :x :x :x :x

Ahhhhhh feel better now lol
Also...i think it should be given in voucher form like someone else said 8)
deffinatly voucher cos people are just gunna spend it on whatever they want arent they.

do they never think
I think they should send mums a weekly fruit and veg box - there's so many box schemes in the UK now it would be easy to cover the whole country. If the fruit and veg is there infront of you, you're far more likely to eat it!
sunnyday said:
I think they should send mums a weekly fruit and veg box - there's so many box schemes in the UK now it would be easy to cover the whole country. If the fruit and veg is there infront of you, you're far more likely to eat it!

Exactly!! I would love to recieve a box of fruit and stuff each week, just for being pregnant! Definately agree with the voucher thing. I'm guilty of not eating right during my pregnancy, the thought of food makes me feel sick sometimes and if I was given £200 I would be much more tempted to spend the money on a pair of UGG Boots or something..sad I know :(
I don't even know why they are thinking about it...HEalthy start vouchers are already in place for the people who are less well off why not just increase that a little , after all how much money can you really spend on fresh fruit and veg ???
Not alot on fruit and veg as they arnt that expensive, but diff items such as fish etc from fresh fish counter can be dearer and thats healthy eating for a pregnant lady

When i was preg i was 19 "young mum"
i could not have been possible for me to buy clothes cigs (didnt smoke when preg anyway)
or alcohol u must be joking it was a struggle 2 even have the heating on when it was freezing cold

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